Vanishment & Tribulation by Neal Fox - HTML preview

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Within a few weeks the Swarm was back.  This time they came prepared to kill.  And kill they did.  They appeared first in the Middle East, somewhere near the Euphrates River in Iraq.  From there they quickly spread out in all directions.  This group moved faster than the first Swarm, which stopped to sting it victims.  This Second Swarm plowed through cities and towns and just kept going at a high rate of speed.


Jill covers the story on her daily news broadcast within minutes of the first attacks, having been alerted by eyewitnesses in several countries.  The video was frightening to watch, as people were mowed down like grass by these killer demons.


Jill: "After several weeks of absence "the Swarm" has returned, and this time they are lethal.  In the previous attacks they inflicted severe pain, but did not kill.  But now they are killing their victims.  Let us look at what the Bible says about what we are seeing happen before our eyes.  Jill reads from Revelation 9:13:

“The sixth angel sounded his trumpet, and I heard a voice coming from the four horns of the golden altar that is before God. 14 It said to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, “Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.” 15 And the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind.”


Then Jill turns to her book and reads:


"The sixth Trumpet (Second Woe) sets loose another huge demon army imprisoned deep under the Euphrates River led by four demon princes.  This second demon army was also put into chains due to an angelic conflict violation in ancient times before man was created.  We can see that Satan's armies in ancient times fought a vicious battle against the elect angels loyal to God, even to the point of violating the rules established by God, for which they were imprisoned.  They are now released, not only to further torment mankind, but these demons are also allowed to kill 1/3 of remaining unbelieving mankind.  They target unbelievers except for those Satan wants to spare for his own purposes, mainly those who are demon possessed.  Satan will need some people to be spared for his coming battle to kill the Jews.  Satan believes that if he eliminates the Jews, God would be defeated since God promised the Jews a Millennial Kingdom where Christ will rule over regathered Israel in the land promised to them.  If the Jews are killed off, God could not fulfill His promise.  This is the main reason why the Jews are targeted throughout human history.


Jill once again turns to her favorite Professor for explanations.  Professor Heathrow from USC is back in the studio with her.


Jill: "Professor Heathrow, the First Woe was demon torture of people, and now the Second Woe has been unleashed.  These demons are now killing people.  Would you please explain why this is happening?"


Professor Heathrow:  "It is happening because Satan is desperate.  He is out of options, and will soon be thrown into prison.  His plan has devolved into something like "create enough chaos, death, and destruction and anything is possible."  He is trying to prevent being thrown into the Lake of Fire.  But he will fail.  Regarding the specifics of what is happening, let us take a look at a staggering statistic.


First, the three “Woes” are sequential.  The initial Woe, the stinging demons, lasted five months and is now past.  The Swarm inflicted its intense pain on the world for five very long months.  Now the sixth Trumpet Judgment, which is also called the “Second Woe,” has today been unleashed.  There will be a "Third Woe" during the seventh Trumpet Judgment which includes the Second Advent and Armageddon.  We can see the timing of these three Woes is very late in the Tribulation.  So we have less than a year remaining before the Lord returns and Armageddon becomes a reality."


 He continues:  "The Bible reveals the enormous size of this new group of killer demons.  Revelation 9:16 says:

“The number of the mounted troops was twice ten thousand times ten thousand. I heard their number.”


"Let us do the math.  We see that the number is 2 x 10,000 x 10,000 = 200,000,000.  That is a huge army of demons which cannot be avoided or defended against.  They will roll through cities, nations, and continents like a giant war machine killing unbelievers at will.  But believers will be spared because God will only allow these demons to attack unbelievers.  As Revelation 9:17 says:

“The horses and riders I saw in my vision looked like this: Their breastplates were fiery red, dark blue, and yellow as sulfur. The heads of the horses resembled the heads of lions, and out of their mouths came fire, smoke and sulfur.”


Professor Heathrow continues:  "Again we see this demon army is visible to mankind, and looks like a cavalry army prepared and dressed for battle, which is their purpose.  The demons travel massed together, spewing poisons from their collective “mouths” as they proceed.  The demons are mounted on some type of war machines which have weapons in both front and back.  Then we see how many people will be killed, and the numbers are staggering:


Revelation 9:18 “A third of mankind was killed by the three plagues of fire, smoke and sulfur that came out of their mouths. 19 The power of the horses was in their mouths and in their tails; for their tails were like snakes, having heads with which they inflict injury.”


"This means the demons use chemical and biological agents to kill large numbers of unbelievers, which is fully 1/3 of those remaining who survived everything that has happened so far.  The demon war machines spew killing agents from the front, and poison also comes from a snake-like tail whipping back and forth.  Once again, God protects His own and they are spared."


Revelation 9:20 “The rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood—idols that cannot see or hear or walk.”


Jill interjects:  "So Professor, the unbelievers will still generally refuse to believe in Jesus Christ for salvation.  They become further hardened against God.  They prefer to worship Satan's religious systems of empty deities, money, immorality, human power, sorcery, drug addiction, human sacrifice, and resort to violence and general human degeneracy of all forms.  The Tribulation forces each person to choose between God and total degeneracy."


Professor Heathrow:  "Quite right.  As the end nears, only the most hardened unbelievers remain since demon armies will have killed all other unbelievers.  The earth is now down to a hard-core set of degenerate unbelievers.  That will be when Armageddon comes, which is part of the 7th Trumpet Judgment, which includes the Third Woe, and it will be delayed until the end of the Tribulation.  In the meantime, the Bowl Judgments will begin."


Jill:  "Thank you Professor Heathrow.  You have been so kind to come in for these interviews.  I hope to see you again soon."


Producer Jack Ford has been watching for video coming in which would show the Swarm.  It did not take long.  Video has now come into the studio from a town in eastern Turkey showing the scene of horror.  Jack says into Jill's earpiece: "The person sent it directly to you, Jill.  Warn people that it will not be easy to watch."


Jill:  "We have a video of an attack by the Swarm which has just taken place a couple minutes ago in Turkey.  Beware that my Producer says this video is hard to watch.  You have been warned."


The video appears on screen showing the Swarm moving toward a town, turning the sky dark, and closing in quickly.  A young woman standing with her friends is filming the event.  As the Swarm comes nearer, individual members of the Swarm can be seen in more detail.  They are large, multi-colored, and each one has a rider perched on top of some sort of war machine with a large opening on the front and a swishing tail on the back end.  A gas is shooting out forcefully from front and back, one color from the front, and another from the back.  People below fall down as they pass overhead.  Every person.  They writhe and scream in agony, but do not die immediately.  The Swarm closes in on the young woman, who continues to video the event.  She says as they are about to reach her "I hope you get this, Jill!"  The video then shows a yellow gas coming at her with great velocity, and then she falls down.  Her camera falls from her hand and points toward a group of people who had been standing near her, and it shows them all writhing on the ground and screaming in pain.  The video continues for some time, since they do not die right away.  It takes several minutes, and then each one goes limp, one by one, until they are all motionless.


Jill:  "I had no idea she was going to say my name!  Poor girl.  She knew we were watching and wanted us to show this to the world."  Jill needs a minute to collect herself after the video stops.  Producer Jack Ford shows another less gruesome one to give Jill some time.


Then Jill continues:  "As you have seen, this Second Swarm, called the Second Woe in the Bible, is another level of judgment on the earth.  It will be here in LA before long.  It will be everywhere soon.  Are you ready for eternity?"


The following day there is more grim video.  Too much to deal with.  Producer Jack Ford airs some segments to show close-ups of the individual Swarm members.  They are fierce and other-worldly looking.  But oddly, they appear to be laughing as they go about their hideous task.  They seem to be enjoying it.  Jack Ford rolls the video back several times in slow motion to confirm.  Yes, they are laughing, shouting, and gesturing to each other.  But mostly just laughing.


Jill returns to reporting other news while Producer Jack Ford has been putting together the statistics for the death toll so far.  Starting in the Middle East, initial reports show 1/3 of the people in each city or town the Swarm goes through have died.  After just an hour, the death toll is estimated to be over 5 million people.  


Jill:  "At this rate, the death toll will be over a billion before this is over."


As her broadcast ends for the day, Jill thinks to herself: "Another billion people dead.  That would mean the total death toll during this Tribulation has been 70% of the world's population.  Many billions of people, and it is not nearly over.  We still have many Bowls and Armageddon ahead of us.  We were told this over 2000 years ago, and now it is here."


She thinks about how she missed the Rapture, then says to herself: "I must stop thinking about what I missed.  I am here now for a purpose."