Vanishment & Tribulation by Neal Fox - HTML preview

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The accumulation of the Bowls is taking a severe toll, with the painful red sores, the oceans turned to blood and sea life destroyed, drinking blood instead of water, scorching heat, and intense darkness.  The unbelievers of the earth are in maximum pain and under extreme stress.  But they still refuse to accept the real solution to their problems.


The sixth Bowl Judgment occurred about a month later.  Most would miss the point of it, but this judgment would have great impact.  It would remove remaining impediments and clear the way for Armageddon.


Israeli Resistance commander General Dayan sees the sixth Bowl coming, and explains it to his staff.  He reads from Revelation 16:12:

“The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East. 13 Then I saw three impure spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. 14 They are demonic spirits that perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty.”


General Dayan continues: "The Bible says the sixth Bowl causes "the Euphrates River to dry up" so the Eastern Alliance can bring its massive military forces across the Arab countries and into Israel in preparation for Armageddon.  The "Euphrates" reference is an analogy to removing what has been blocking their advance, namely, the Southern Alliance military forces.  We have recently seen the Southern Alliance pulling all its troops out of Iraq, Iran, and neighboring countries so they can be sent toward Israel, and that is happening right now.  Additionally, Southern Alliance forces from the Arabian Peninsula have left the area and are now attacking Western Alliance installations using multiple small engagements which have targeted supply lines.  So the movement of Arab military forces out of their own countries clears the way for the Eastern Alliance to move its massive armies straight through the Arab nations, including Iraq which is the location of the Euphrates River.  The armies of all four world Alliances will soon be assembled in the Jezreel Valley, at a location which has become known as Armageddon.  That is why this sixth Bowl Judgment is important.  It is God's purpose and design to pull all the armies of the world together for one final battle."


Back at LANX News, Jill Steiner reads from her book to explain to her audience what is happening:


"Behind this judgment was political influence which stirred up the world leaders to throw caution to the wind and commit their armies to a doomed battle where no one could possibly win.  Powerful demons (“frogs”) are sent out by Satan and his two emissaries the Antichrist and the False Prophet to stir up war emotions among the other kings and bring the whole world into one final battle.  Satan simply wants everyone dead at this point, and especially the Jews.  He has lost all semblance of control.  He is mad with rage and lashes out in total fury.  


This Bowl judgment makes world leaders mad with rage.  The four Alliances of the world are drawn together to the Middle East for battle.  They do not know why they are going, but they go anyway.  They cannot refuse.  The Lord has pulled them into a trap.


The stage is set for Armageddon, which is the last battle of the Tribulation, and the return of Jesus Christ."


Jill:  "We are 30 days from Armageddon."


President Antivon is traveling with his military forces taking personal command of the invasion plans for Africa.  He had wanted to take Africa into his domain earlier, but needed to wait until other priority countries were secured, including Israel.  Now that Israel is generally in his pocket, and can serve as a base for operations into Africa, he can move along his plans for invading Africa.


But in the meantime, he has a thorn in his side to deal with first.