Vanishment & Tribulation by Neal Fox - HTML preview

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Jill Steiner and Jack Ford have gone to a 24 hour format.  She takes short breaks and naps as she can, while Jack rolls video which comes in at a steady pace.  Her news is still number one in the world, but the world has a lot fewer people than it did a couple years ago.  She wonders how many are still watching.  It must be a large percentage of those remaining since video keeps coming in from all over the world.  It is far more than Jack can process.


Jill:  "The world is within a few days of Armageddon.  During these next several days, events will move very quickly, especially in Israel."


Producer Jack Ford tells Jill there is something happening in Jerusalem.  He puts up live video from Jerusalem where Moses and Elijah are about to speak near the Temple.  


Jill:  "Let's look at the live video feed from Jerusalem shared by a viewer:"


Moses and Elijah are shown making their way to the Temple Square to address the crowd gathered there.  Moses begins: "The end is near for the forces of evil.  Our job here on earth -- our second time here -- is now finished.  We will return to our home for now, and word of our deaths will be reported everywhere.  This must happen.  But we will return for a third time in a few days.  Those of you who believe in the Lord will soon see this world changed into a paradise after the Lord returns and eliminates the forces of evil.  For those who are not believers in the Lord, this is your final chance to believe in Him and accept the free gift of salvation provided through the Lord Jesus Christ.  This is our final message."


After they finish, Jill reads from Revelation 11:

Revelation 11:7 “Now when they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from the Abyss will attack them, and overpower and kill them. 8 Their bodies will lie in the public square of the great city—which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt—where also their Lord was crucified. 9 For three and a half days some from every people, tribe, language and nation will gaze on their bodies and refuse them burial. 10 The inhabitants of the earth will gloat over them and will celebrate by sending each other gifts, because these two prophets had tormented those who live on the earth.”


As Moses and Elijah finish speaking, a dark shadowy figure looms large above them.  Moses looks up and declares "Do what you must!  Your doom is very near, and you cannot escape it."  With that, Moses and Elijah fall dead on the Temple Square.


The scene is viewed live around the world, and Jill's coverage is the most watched.  As the two fall, the close-in crowd made up mainly of believers, becomes silent.  But after a few moments those farther back break out in cheers, celebrating the death of Moses and Elijah.  World leaders are quick to join the celebration.  President Antivon, who is traveling with the Western Alliance military forces headed toward northern Israel, stops to provide an interview about the event with a local reporter.  Jill picks up the live video feed and airs it on her show:


President Antivon: "This is a great day for people of the earth.  These two have been a source of much pain for people everywhere.  Their bigoted views that there is only one God were outdated.  Now they are dead and gone.  Good!  I declare this a day of celebration, and extra rations will be provided, along with extra water.  Our people have been starved and are thirsty because these two held back the rain from falling.  Crops failed, and after the other disasters happened the rain was the only source of drinking water.  We are finally rid of these two.  So let the celebration begin!"


The LANX coverage shows video feeds of large crowds gathering in several locations around the world, celebrating the death of Moses and Elijah.  After showing the celebrations, Jill reads to the audience from her book regarding the death of Moses and Elijah:


"As the Second Advent nears and their witnessing is complete, God allows one of the senior demons who had come out of the Abyss (Abaddon) to kill them both.  Their corpses will lay in the streets of spiritually bankrupt and degenerate Jerusalem – like Egypt and Sodom of old -- for 3 ½ days and no one will bury them....Their deaths will be a cause for great celebration among the unbelieving populace, especially among the false religious leaders who hated them for opposing their idolatry.  But their celebration will soon turn into shock, panic and intense fear.


Jill tells her audience there will soon be an earthquake in Jerusalem.  Within the hour it happens.  As the crowds in Jerusalem are shown celebrating in the streets of Jerusalem, an enormous earthquake hits the city.  There is severe damage, and buildings fall everywhere.  Many are killed and injured.


After airing the video showing widespread destruction in Jerusalem, Jill reads:


Revelation 11:13 “At that very hour there was a severe earthquake and a tenth of the city collapsed. Seven thousand people were killed in the earthquake, and the survivors were terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven.”


Then Jill reads from her book:


"At the time the two witnesses are taken up into Heaven, Jerusalem is devastated by a large earthquake and 7000 die instantly... Now these Jewish believers begin to celebrate, and are the ones who “give glory to the God of heaven.”  More about the earthquake issue later.  Some unbelievers convert due to the event, but most do not.  This is essentially the last chance they will have to change their minds about Christ and be saved."


Jill ends with "It is three days until Armageddon and the Second Advent of Jesus Christ.  We will see Moses and Elijah again on that final day."