White Collar Woman 2: A Man's Appetite by Nicholas L. Maze - HTML preview

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It was mid-morning-afternoon and the sun had found its place for today. Smoke was pouring out, from the back patio of Marla and Michael’s home. The smell of charcoal traveled a mile away. The sound of meat being seared played in the background. “You got it smelling good, Mike”, yelled their next door neighbor, Jimmy. Michael removed the bottle of water from his lips and raised the bottle as confirmation.

“What time did you say? Five”, asked Jimmy

“Yes, sir”, replied Michael.

Marla decided to call and checkup on Di.



“You don’t say hello?”

“I did. That’s your cheap phone.”

“Whatever. What did you make?”

“For what?”

“Girl, don’t play with me.”

Di starts laughing.

“Don’t worry about it. You’ll see when I get there.”

“Well, I’ve invited a few people. Are you and the family still coming?”

“Yes. Stanley doesn’t have to work late, tonight. Who did you invite?”

“My home girl from college, Stephanie and her man. And, my new boss, Angie. She said she might bring a date, so that’s four people. So, make sure you bring enough dessert. Don’t make me look bad.”

“Don’t make yourself look bad. Is mom and dad coming?”

“No. Their flight was cancelled. So, they’ll miss Junior’s birthday.”

“Marla! You didn’t remind me. I forgot this Sunday is Michael’s birthday.”

“Girl, I almost forgot myself.”

“Shame on you. He will be the three, this year. Well, whatever you do, count me in.”

“Alright. Don’t forget five o’clock.”

As Marla was hanging up the phone, Michael brought in his last pan of meat, from off the grill.

“Baby, I called Freddie and Friends, for tomorrow. I told them four-thirty. I figured that would be enough time. Is that ok?”

“Sure”, responded Michael, tiredly.

“My baby was wore out. He woke up at seven, this morning to start prepping to grill his meat. No matter what, he always comes through when I need him. I know exactly what he’s about to do. I just hope that he awakes by five.” Michael removed his shoes, washed his hands, and went to the bedroom.  Junior walked up to Marla.

“Sirul, Mommy.”

“Ok. My baby want some cereal? Come ‘on.”

4:38 PM

The doorbell ranged. “This better be Di”, said Marla as she rushed to the door, preparing to see Di on the other side.


“Hey, Marla. I hope I’m not here too early.”

“Of course not…. Tony”, says Marla with a confused look.

“Beautiful Marla. How are you?”

“I’m ok. Come in, please.”

Marla purposely stood behind the door to prevent Tony from trying to kiss her or hug her. Angie and Tony walked in, scanning the house. Marla closed the door and began to walk behind them.

“You have a beautiful home, Marla”, said Angie.

“Why, thank you.”

“I agree”, confirmed Tony.

“Please, have a seat you two. My husband is in the shower. He should be out shortly. I can show you two around later on, if you like.”

“I would love that.”

“Would you two like anything to drink?”

“Ice water would be great”, requested Angie.

“I’m ok, for now.”


Marla headed toward the kitchen to prepare a glass of water for Angie. “Since when is the intern your date? Goodness. I did not want to walk into another ‘on the job’ soap opera.” Marla returned to the family room with the glass of water.

“Here you go”, said Marla as she handed the glass of water.

“Thanks. Marla I may have to switch jobs with you. I don’t think I can afford a house like this.”

Marla laughed.

“Trust me. I don’t pay for this house alone. Actually, my husband built it, himself.”


“Yes. Well, not the whole thing, but he had a hand in it. He’s a contractor.”

“Nice catch.”


Suddenly, there were a few loud knocks, on the door.

“Now, I know exactly who this is.”

Marla opened the door.

“Di! You had me worried.”

“Girl, hush and take these pans.”

“Hey, Stanley.”


Marla grabbed some of Di’s pans and had Di follow her to the kitchen. On their way, Marla stopped to introduce everyone.

“Angie and Tony, this is my sister, Diane, her husband, Stanley, and their three kids, Stan, Renee, and Robert. Stanley and Diane, this is my new supervisor, Angie and one of my staff members, Tony.”

Everyone greeted each other, then Marla and Di continued to the kitchen. Di had a strange look on her face, as they entered the kitchen.

“Tony”, whispered Di.


“Is this the one you called a freak?”

“Yeah. I’m not sure what that’s all about. I’m just as clueless.”

As Marla and Di were organizing the dishes, the doorbell rang.

“That must be Stephanie.”

Marla rushed to the door and opened to her surprise, it was her next door neighbors.

“Jimmy! Rhonda!”

“Hey, Marla”, replied Jimmy and Rhonda in unison.

“You two came to join the party?”

“Yes. Michael invited us. I hope he told you”, said Jimmy.

“Of course, not. Michael doesn’t tell me anything. It’s ok, though. We have more than enough food. Come on in.”

As Marla was introducing Jimmy and Rhonda to everyone, Michael came out of the bedroom.

“Hello, Hello”, said Michael.

“Angie and Tony, this is my husband, Michael.”

After everyone sat and talked for a while, the doorbell began to ring again. It was Marla’s friend, Stephanie and her long-term boyfriend, Reggie. Marla introduced Stephanie and Reggie to everyone and went to the kitchen to finish setting up the food.

Stephanie left Reggie with the other guests and followed Marla into the kitchen.

“Girl, I didn’t know you still threw house parties like back in the day.”

“Stephanie be quiet. You are a trip. I’m too old for those type of parties. And, don’t play. You know it was you that was throwing the big ‘shin-digs’ back in college.”

As Stephanie was observing Marla put her final touches on the meal, she suddenly felt someone grab both sides of her waist to move her out of the way.

“Excuse me. Marla, where is your bathroom”, asked Tony.

“Down this hall, the third door on your right”, replied Marla with an angry look on her face.

“Do men just randomly grab women nowadays?”

“I’m so sorry, Stephanie. It won’t happen again. He’s new and apparently disrespectful.”

“Yes. A little too touchy, feely.”

“Well, Stephanie I know you’re a guest and all, but I need you to grab some of these pans and help me carry them to the dining room.”

“Marla, you so crazy. I’ll just follow you.”

“Thanks girl.”

Marla and Stephanie, each grabbed two pans of food and marched over to the dining room. As they walked pass everyone in the family room, Marla yelled at Diane.

“Ummm, Di!”

“Marla, do I work you like this?”

Diane got out of her seat and headed for the kitchen.

“This chick got some nerve”, whispered Marla to Stephanie.

As Marla headed back to the kitchen, she noticed Tony coming her way, from the bathroom. Instead of going back into the kitchen, Marla approached Tony face-to-face.

“This is something I will only say one time. You are a guest in this house. This does not give you the right to disrespect anyone, definitely none of my guest. Do you understand?”

“Yes. I apologize.”

“For the rest of day, please act as if you have manners.”

Marla quietly walked away and returned to the kitchen. After neatly organizing the many trays of food in the dining room, she returned to the family room to make her announcement.

“Ok! Dinner is ready!”

Everyone rose from their seat and headed for the dining room.

“Oh, Oh. I know y’all better wash them hands, before y’all start grabbing stuff.”

Everyone did a U-turn and headed for the bathrooms and kitchen to wash their hands. As they began to appear in the dining room, one-by-one, they noticed the dishes neatly placed and ready. Marla stood by the dishes, with a smile on her face, disbursing to everyone as they walked by.

“Can I have two plates”, asked Jimmy.

“Aww. You’re going to fix Rhonda’s plate”, said Marla as she handed Jimmy a second plate.

“No. I need to fix a plate to take home for myself.”

“What?! You got some nerve, Jimmy. Give me that plate back”, yelled Marla as she snatched the second plate out of Jimmy’s hand.

“You know men”, said Rhonda, as she followed behind Jimmy.

Marla nodded in agreement and then shook her head no in shame at Jimmy. Everyone fixed their plate and gathered at the dining room table. Even with people going back for more food, there was still a lot of food remaining.

As the minutes went by, forks began to slow down and rest. Various people started to use the table for support after eating a gigantic meal. Everyone were at the table, except for Stanley. Jimmy moved away from the table and placed all his weight on the back of the chair, displaying his own “white flag”. Weighing over 300 pounds, Jimmy had his “fair share” for the day. Diane began to take a few deep breaths, as she prepared to belch. Jimmy reached for his waist and looked at Marla.

“Is it okay, if I undo my pants at the table”, he asked.

“No, Jimmy! It is not okay”, replied Rhonda.

“Yes, Jimmy. You have guests at the table, so that wouldn’t be polite”, laughed Marla.

Stanley finally returned to the table.

“Is everything okay”, asked Diane.

“Yes. I just would hold off on going to the bathroom for a while.”

Everyone burst out in laughter.

“Well, we have the half bath down this hall available”, confirmed Michael.

“Marla, I have a question”

“Yes, Jimmy?”

“What was the reason for having three meats?”

“What do you mean”, asked Marla.

“I’m saying. A normal meal consists of one meat and two sides. Usually, a vegetable and a starch.”

“More than one meat gives you options. It doesn’t mean you have to eat all three”, informed Marla.

“Well, I wish you would’ve said something”, said Jimmy as if to blame Marla for overeating.

“Next time, let Rhonda fix your plate.”

“Next time, write a note forewarning us.”

As the sun began to set, the men headed for the sectional couch, in the living room to watch the late baseball game. Every man got comfortable in their spot and scarcely talked about baseball as the game played. At the same time, Marla and the ladies remained at the dining table to “talk”. Marla and Diane made eye contact, rose from the table, and headed for the kitchen. They returned with wine glasses and two new bottles of chardonnay. Marla popped the cork and the scent of chardonnay filled the area.

“What a way to end a meal”, said Stephanie.

Diane arranged the glasses as Marla began to pour. After their second glass, the ladies continued their conversation.

“Is it just me or does it seem as if the man does majority of the eating, but little of the cleaning”, asked Rhonda.

“Little of the cleaning, little of the cooking, little of the laundry”, confirmed Angie.

“Little of everything”, they all shouted.

“Girl, I’ve been married for a long time. All I can say is they hit and miss”, said Marla.

“Don’t worry. I already let Tony know he will have to step it up”, confirmed Angie.


“I know. I’m saying too much.”

“You want some water?”

“Might as well give me some more wine. I’ve let one of the cats out the bag. It’s too late now.”

Everyone began to laugh.

“So, you and Tony are an item”, asked Marla.

“Girl, he just new ‘meat’.”

“Oh. Excuse me.”

“She said, new meat”, laughed Diane.

“I have a rule in my office”, said Angie as she takes another gulp of wine.

“I get first dibs.”

Everyone stared in amazement.

“I need some water”, said Stephanie.

Moments Later….

Marla entered the family room, where almost every man had went off to sleep on the sectional, as Michael struggled to stay awake. Marla walked over to Michael.

“Alright everybody, time to go”, yelled Marla, startling the men that were asleep.

Marla and Michael walked over to the door to say goodbye to everyone as they left.

“Did your stomach relieve some pressure, Jimmy”, asked Marla.

“Yes. I think I can go another round.”

“Not tonight.”

Jimmy smiled as Rhonda pushed him out the door. Marla and Michael continued to watch as cars started up and headlights shined. After every vehicle departed, Michael closed the door and took a deep breath. Michael kissed Marla on the forehead.

“Tired”, asked Michael.

“Get a fork.”

“I understand. I feel the same way.”