Zahraliza by Abdelouahid stitou - HTML preview

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The sound of a water drop falling in a bucket…a new Facebook message has arrived. Khaled jumped to his feet when he heard the sound. The cat that was perching on his nap flew and protested with a low mewing. Her feelers—that can detect earthquakes before they actually happen—failed to detect Khaled’s blazing feelings which turned into a human earthquake when he heard the Facebook notification. To him it was similar to one of Richard Clayderman’s pieces.

Who are you?

The message drove him crazy. It was from a teenager still wishing that the account owner was a girl disguised as a man. Out of depression mixed with cruelty, Khaled blocked him instantly. As if that was just all he needed!

Waiting…waiting… He always hated it. Death is always better than waiting for death. Huda! Tell me everything is over, and I will spend the night complacent about you and myself. Tell me you are alright, and I will rejoice for that. Show up, please! Do not disappear suddenly as you appeared suddenly. Surprising beginnings are marvelous, but surprising ending are not.

Why have you arrived in my life if you were going to leave me this fast?

Was I late for the rendezvous? Yes, I was late, but if you listen to my excuse, you will understand the situation. What about the old saying, ‘Try to find your brother a thousand excuses; when they ran out, try to find another excuse in addition to the thousand’.

A sarcastic laughter escaped from him without him noticing it; here he was… a man who thought that he had reached the peak of his strength seemed like a teenager whose girlfriend dumped him because he wore a blue shirt while her favorite singer Tamir Hosni wore a red one.

He tried to occupy his heart and mind with the robbery of Zahrliza. He had called Mahdi in the afternoon to check on him, and that the preliminary investigation had gone well. Mahdi told him that he was indebted to the security cameras which showed his spontaneous movements that testified to his innocence for the time being at least.

The robbery, according to Mahdi, was carried out quickly and quietly. The three gangsters stood in different corners of the museum. Each one released a barely recognizable sleeping gas putting all people in the museum into an unconscious state excepts for the gang.

How didn’t they lose consciousness?
The security cameras showed that they inserted some plastic pieces into their noses. It seems these pieces did the trick for them. Crime is developing, dear. Movies aren’t enough to be an expert in such things.
Well…tell me…I know there’re other paintings in the museum by James McBey. Why didn’t they steal them?
We and the policemen asked the same question…the first hypothesis suggests that they came with one clear purpose: Zahrliza… maybe because of its value and importance…maybe because some person is really interested in it too much, and they need it at all costs. Another hypothesis suggests that they have chosen the most precious thing in the museum to be able to smuggle it outside the country easily. They were robbing in light of the concept, ‘light object of a precious value’.

The sound of the drop once again disrupted the flow of his ideas.

This time it seemed to Khaled as an insult echoing in his ear. He did not turn; anxiety mingled with frustration made his nerves worn out. some moments later, he looked at the seductive red box from his place in the kitchen trying to know the sender without having to draw closer to the computer because his motto for the night was, ‘No more disappointments’.

As the easiest thing ever is to disregard mottos, Khaled did not stay for long in the kitchen. He found himself going close to the device to see well and know the sender…


It is her! It is Huda! Huda is calling him. It is the first time he realized that Facebook has added the feature of ‘transmitting emotions’. Huda’s emotions have reached him with one word… he imaged Huda pronouncing it… Khaled! It was full of confusion…fear… apology…longing…expectation…yearning.

Full of love?

Facebook unfortunately did not answer this question. It is time he sends his reply abounding with his emotions.


He wonders if his response has reached her as her message did. Have all his feelings flown through the blue world to overwhelm her in particular?

She explained to him everything, and so did he. She promised him she would return in a matter of days, and he promised her he would be there waiting for her arrival.

The night in Antwerp is really quiet, Khaled. I wish you were here to sit on its lap.
What shall I say to Tangier?
Tangier won’t be jealous. She lives in you before you live in her. You don’t love Tangier; you are Tangier.
This’s actually the most beautiful expression I’ve ever heard about my love to Tangier.
This’s the truth… the most beautiful thing is that you’re honest. You don’t need to say it because you don’t need to.
They robbed from her—from my heart—a precious piece.
What do you mean?
They robbed the Moroccan Mona Lisa from the American Museum…
Oh my God… has crime reached this advanced level in Morocco? Is there actually a Moroccan Mona Lisa?
Of course there is. Only few people know that. It’s for a Tangierian girl. She was 15 when the Scottish painter James McBey painted her portrait in 1952. The aspect of similarity is that she follows you with her looks wherever you go…Also, her impression and posture are similar to the Mona Lisa, so they called her the Moroccan Mona Lisa.
Oh! Interesting information I know for the first time.
This’s just a small fraction of what the crazy Tangier abounds with.
It’s actually a distressing bit of news.
It is. Only your showing up after disappearing mitigates it.
No doubt. I am longing for you, and I can’t hide it. You’re one of that kind that’s really difficult to get over easily. You’ve your distinct attribute which I can’t describe till now.
Don’t overburden me.
You know that I’m honest.
I know…

The chat went on, and the night became darker. When Huda logged out, the blue world became as black as the night of Tangier. Khaled went to his favorite window and sat opposite to the lights of the port as he usually did. Meanwhile, the sky gave the land of Tangier its first autumn drops as a present.