Zahraliza by Abdelouahid stitou - HTML preview

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The man who is watching the road in the other side shouts. He comes closer and says,

Don’t forget, bro, that he needs it to look like a robbing not only the car but their possessions, too. I don’t need to take blood stained properties.
Ok. Search them.

The man inserts his hands in Khaled’s pockets. He finds only some coins which he throws to the ground angrily and carelessly. He inserts his hand in Khaled’s pocket and finds a piece of paper which he unfolds in intensifying outrage. He is about to throw it to the ground, but he retreats on moment before that. He looks at it again, hands it to the man who is holding the pistol enquiring,

Isn’t this piece of news about the incident?
Ah… yes. It is. How come! You… Why do you have this piece of news in your pocket? Answer!

Khaled maintains his silence. How can answering the question help him? He is dead either way, so he wants to have one of his last rights—silence.

He feels the shivering body of Zohra as if she is shaking the ground under his feet. It intensifies the pain and fear.

Answer quickly!
How can my answer benefit you?
I said answer quickly!
It was me who saved the baby.
You saved that baby?
Answer me honestly, or I’ll blow you head. You saved the baby?
I told you I did save him. I don’t need to lie in my last moments of life as it seems.
Tell me without hesitation how you did it. I know the whole story.

With intermittent breathing, Khaled narrates what happened. The man lowers his grip that was tight on the pistol. He lets it hang on his side as if his hand has suffered a sudden paralysis. The other man looks at him waiting for orders.

The man throws the pistol and sits on the ground crying. Khaled could not understand what happened. Zohra turns slowly to explore, with tears in her eyes, what actually is happening. The man buries his face in his palms and starts crying in clearly audible sound. The other man is stunned not knowing what to do.

The baby you saved is my son, and that woman was my wife. I came before her here, and she was going to follow me. I waited for her a lot, but she didn’t come. I heard the news of her death and this story from some of our friends and relatives here. I also keep a copy of that news waiting to go to the hospital to take my only son. Tell me, please. Did she really die before giving birth to him?
Yes. This’s exactly what happened. I tried hard to revive her, but I failed.
But you saved my own baby.
He who created him has saved him and wants him to live longer.

The man rose to his feet slowly and removed his mask revealing his black skin. He drew closer to Khaled and hugged him as he was sobbing hot tears. Khaled tried to compose himself, but as he recalled what happened on Playa de Bolonia beach, He gave way to his tears, too.

Zohra stood straight and leaned on the car as she was wiping off her tears and looking at the two men confusedly. Was that really taking place or was she dreaming?

The man said while still hugging Khaled’s shoulder,

I’m Solomon, and this’s my brother Maximilian.
And you were going to get rid of us?
Actually this was what we were going to do.
How and why?
We actually don’t ask when we’re given such an operation, but this time we dealt directly with the client. It’s Dr. Bernard that we saw the news that he was arrested a while ago.
He ordered you to kill us?
He ordered us to get rid of you.
I can’t see a difference between the two terms.
Anyways, it seems he didn’t find time to run away with his loot because you were faster and reported him as it seems. We didn’t know that of course until we watched the news, but we didn’t need to lose our reputation in our job community. We gave the man our word, received our payment, and we had to execute the task we started by watching both of you then with showing your photo to Dr. Bernard.

The man then was not naïve nor simple. It seemed he noticed Zohra’s behavior who tried not to make it suspicious. He ordered somebody to watch her which led to identifying Khaled. Bernard was aware that he was the one wo was imprisoned unjustly in Zahrliza case, and most probably he knew that Khaled came for the painting. Therefore, he decided to get rid of them using the ugliest and meanest ways or the most expensive ones.

How much did he pay you?
5.000€ for each one of you.
You’re willing to rip the souls of people for 5.000€?
This’s out job, but I owe you now the life of my baby whom you delivered from death to life. What price do you need?
First, to let us go. Second, to tell Dr. Bernard in his jail that you perfectly did the task. I don’t think you’ll find it difficult to fabricate a story about it.
I promise you I’ll do, and keep in mind that my services are at your command. Come, bro. Let’s go. Excuse us, lady. We were really rude, but it’s our job. I hope you understand.

Solomon hugged Khaled, dragged his brother, and they went. Khaled thought of saying something, but he stopped from doing that. Zohra was stunned. He drove her to her house. She waved to him and got out of the car.

No one word…no blame…no apologies… nothing.

Silence only was and remained to be the master of that situation until they departed.

Khaled entered the house, and he was feeling a severe fever in his body. The effects of the accident started to take effect on hum. His body was shaking violently and his heart was beating fast. His feet were as if of clay. He fell on the bed panting as if he had been running tens of kilometers.

He thanked God secretly that he survived. He barely believed that everything happened to him was due to sheer coincidences. All those disasters were followed by a strange relief because of one second or more.

He tried to sleep, but he failed drastically. He turned the laptop on and stat looking at it unable to do a thing. He turned it off and went to the window contemplating the night of Brussels. He didn’t know whether he liked the city or hated it, but either way he would leave it at the first chance to return to the lap Tangier who was the only one capable of curing all the wounds of the soul.