Are you interested in earning extra money from the comfort of your own home? There is a saying that one man's junk is another man's treasure! That treasure can be found on eBay. This e-book is all you need to start using eBay to earn that extra money by becoming a powerseller. By applying the information found in this book you will be on your way to becoming a successful eBay seller.
EBay provides you with a simple way to supplement your income, sell items you no longer want or need, liquidate an estate, or sell items from your collection. EBay is a proven e-commerce site on the Internet that specializes in sales using an online auction method. Since eBay appeared on the Internet in 1995 it has consistently generated its own profit and also promoted further success for online sellers and buyers. EBay's proven formula for helping people sell their items works easily and is something that you can learn quickly. EBay's website has everything you need to start your at-home business or simply make a few extra dollars by getting rid of those items around the house that you no longer want.
Once you have decided on a product that you would like to sell on eBay you need to find your market niche. Do your research carefully and then follow the steps on eBay's website to register and begin selling. It's that easy!
Selling on eBay is a great way to start your new business if you're willing to put in the energy and time to be successful. One of the reasons that eBay is an excellent place to sell your items is because of the large number of people who visit eBay on a daily basis. With such a large volume of customers you are sure to sell any item. The chapters in this e-book will provide you with step-by- step guidance to show you what you need to do to start selling and learn what it takes to become a powerseller. You will learn how to:
You are in control of how much money you want to make. And you are in control of when you want to start seeing that profit! Start today to earn extra dollars by using eBay as your selling partner.
EBay has just celebrated its 10th birthday. It was founded in 1995 by a man named Pierre Omidyar. EBay’s original name was "Auction Web" but was changed to "EBay", short for "Echo Bay", which was the name of Omidyar's consulting firm. A main concept of eBay is that it doesn't sell items to people; it simply connects them and allows them to get on with the practice of selling. EBay has created a trusted community for buyers and sellers in a virtual marketplace.
EBay’s instant success was amazing. By the end of 1998 there were over 2.1 million registered users and eBay had become the most visited auction site on the Internet. Today there are over 114 million registered users, most of whom are buyers.
EBay continues to lead the online selling market with their innovative buying and selling techniques. The concept of eBay, which is to unite buyers and sellers at one place on the Internet, continues to prove profitable for everyone involved, whether it is a buyer or a seller. EBay is an excellent example of a highly successful e-commerce site that continues to grow on a yearly basis.
The Benefits of Being an EBay Powerseller
Selling on eBay is becoming more and more popular. One of the reasons for this is the many benefits that come with selling online using a secure and reputable company such as eBay. EBay appeals to buyers because:
The first benefit of selling at eBay is that you have very little to lose. There are no start-up costs at eBay and this means that you are not risking any of your money to start a new money-making project. You can get started quickly with very little investment. Investment on your part is limited to the products you are selling and the minimal fee that eBay charges you for listing your items.
You can sell on eBay in your spare time. This means that you can keep your full time job and make extra money on the side. You can determine how much or how little time you want to invest in selling items on eBay.
You will be able to work from your own home, from anywhere in the world where you have an Internet connection. There is no need for you to have your own website. EBay does all of the Internet hosting for you. This is perfect for stay-at-home parents who want to earn money while staying home with their children. You can start selling with absolutely no marketing experience.
When you list your sellable items at eBay you can be certain that buyers are coming to you. All you have to do is create an eBay listing for your item that is catchy and makes buyers read it twice. Be accurate and concise when creating the description for your items. More information is better than not enough information. Giving buyers the opportunity to ask you questions about the item you are selling is an important technique that you should use consistently.
Using a virtual marketplace to sell your items means that you don't have to take your sellable items to an auction house or flea market to make extra money. It can be time consuming and exhausting to haul your items back and forth in your attempt to sell them.
EBay is simple and easy to use. Once you sell one or two items you will become more and more confident with the way the selling process works. EBay is designed to make the process of selling your items as easy and uncomplicated as possible while at the same time working in a seamless and successful fashion. Help at eBay is always near at hand so you never have to wait if you require assistance.
There are many other benefits of using eBay to sell items. The key factor is that it all comes down to your personal preferences. You are in control of what you sell and the manner in which you are going to sell it. You are the one who decides how much effort and time you invest in the business of online e-commerce.
EBay works in a very simple manner. There are no hidden secrets for you to learn before you start selling online and there are no hidden costs credited to you. All you have to do is list an item for sale on eBay. The item can be as simple as a watch or as elaborate as your lost uncle's stamp collection. You can either accept bids on your item in an auction format or you can offer buyers the "Buy It Now" option that allows them to buy your item immediately.
Powersellers quickly learn what sells on eBay and what doesn’t. When you find an item, or a group of items, that sell well you’ll want to learn to utilize your selling techniques as much as possible.
The online auction method is simple to understand. The opening bidding price begins at a price that you determine for a certain number of days, chosen by you. During this time buyers place bids on your item. At the end of the listing period the highest bidder wins the item.
The "Buy It Now" method of selling simply means that the first buyer who is willing to pay the price you are asking for your item wins the auction.
There are some things that you should know and understand about the selling process at eBay. These important points will be discussed in a later chapter.
EBay provides you with all the tools you need to begin your selling your items immediately. EBay has fine-tuned the art of the online auction by trial and error. They want to ensure your success and have developed a step-by-step formula for you to register, list your items, maintain your eBay account, and make a profit. EBay's step-by-step formula includes:
EBay's online virtual marketplace has all the tools you need to sell successfully and make a profit. The simplicity of eBay makes it easy for you sell confidently in a stress-free online atmosphere.
It’s easy to start selling at eBay since the process is easy and smooth to understand and implement….and it costs you very little money to get started. One of the most significant things to note about selling on eBay is that there is little financial risk involved to get you started. Most new businesses require large amounts of money to cover start-up costs such as rent and distribution.
There are really only a few things that you need to become a powerseller on eBay:
You’ll want to make sure that you have enough room in your house to accommodate the items that you’re going to be selling. You’ll need to have room set aside not only to store these items but also a space set aside where you can manage the shipping of these items. If your goal is to be a huge eBay powerseller you might want to eventually find a space to rent so that you can sell your items in large quantities.
There are many sellers on eBay since the process of signing up is so simple. Becoming an eBay powerseller is just one step away from being a seller who sells only the occasional item. Powersellers make multiple sales each month and earn high profits from these sales.
Getting started selling at eBay is as simple as registering your name, or your business name. There are some details that you’ll need to include in your registration as a seller, such as where you are located and how you plan on shipping your sold items.
Your goal as an eBay powerseller should be to look as professional as you can so that buyers take you seriously and learn to trust your reputation. Setting up an “online” shop is one way that you can gain a more professional outlook among the many sellers that can be found on eBay.
There are several different options available at eBay that will help you to make a good impression on buyers. You don’t want buyers to think of you as just another eBay seller and pass you by for a more professional seller. When you first start selling your items on eBay you’ll find that there is a learning curve as you find out what works for you and what doesn’t. The important thing is to be flexible so that you can make changes to the way that you sell in your favor.
All types of people and businesses are using eBay to sell their products. This includes the stay-at-home mom who is supplementing her family’s income by selling craft products to large companies such as IBM who are seeing huge profits by selling online through eBay. When you sell items on eBay you can reach a large number of customers all around the world.
There are many benefits to selling on eBay. Some of these legal and financial benefits include:
There are many books that have been published that show you how successful you can be selling on eBay. This is a great market niche itself, to focus on the sale of items that show others how to sell, what to sell, and what to sell it for.
With so many benefits of selling on eBay more and more people are taking advantage of the opportunity. Make sure that you’re one of the successful sellers by knowing all of the legal and financial angles of the eBay selling process. The sellers who fail are often the ones who remain blind to the legal side of selling online through eBay. Studies show that the most successful sellers on eBay operate businesses that are well organized and maintain perfect financial records of each and every transaction that they do both through eBay and with their wholesalers.
The first thing that you will have to do in order to sell on eBay to is register. There are several reasons why you first have to register on eBay. These include:
Registration at eBay is easy. All you have to do is follow the steps laid out for you. You will be required to provide your name, address, phone number, and a valid e- mail address. Many eBay powersellers choose to use a business name for their online transactions. You’ll want to include this business name in your eBay registration.
The next step needed for registration is your online user ID. This is the ID by which you will be known as both a buyer and seller. Make sure to choose an ID name that sounds businesslike and professional. You will not want to come up with a cute name only to want to change it to something more sophisticated at a later date. Choose a password that is easy for you to remember.
Once you have completed the first two steps you simply have to check your e-mail for confirmation of your registration. You will then need to set up a seller's account. You will be asked to provide a valid credit or debit card as well as provide your banking information. This is necessary so that when you start selling your items eBay has accurate and legitimate information about how and where you will be accepting payment. EBay also needs your banking and credit information so that they can bill you appropriately for the small fees owed to them for any listing fees and commissions. Any personal information collected by eBay is done through a secure system so you do not have to worry about security issues.
The registration process takes only a few minutes for you to complete. Make sure your credit card and banking information is accurate and up to date to avoid confusion and error later.
During the registration process at eBay you’ll be required to provide information about yourself and the items that you’re selling. One of the things that you’ll want to remember is to always keep the information in your seller profile current. Not only does eBay need to have this current information, sellers want to see that your information is accurate since it lends you a high degree of professionalism.
Your email address: When you first register with eBay you’ll be need to use a current email address for the registration process. If you change your email address it’s not necessary to register again. You want to maintain the status that you’ve built up as a successful seller on eBay by simply notifying eBay of your email address change. There is a “Change of Email Address” form that you can fill out and return to eBay that makes the change easy and fast. It’s important that you don’t register with your new email address because when you do you risk losing the information and data that correlates with your old email address. Should you mistakenly reregister with a new email address it can take eBay administration up to two weeks to merge the data from the old address to the new one. In the event that you do register again with a new email address you can contact eBay at ukemerge@ebay.com to let them know.
Your User ID: You can change your User ID at any time by using the “Change User ID” form. Your User ID is an important aspect of your eBay account. It’s a way for buyers to identify you easily, especially when you’re relying on repeat sales from the same buyers. You don’t want to take the chance of buyers not finding you by changing your User ID. This is why it’s important to create a User ID that you know is right for your business when your first register with eBay so that you avoid these changes. Your User ID should be a reflection of you and your business as opposed to a cute user name. Remember that buyers are going to identify you by this User ID so you want to be as professional as possible.
Your eBay password: Your password is your access to your eBay account so you’ll want to remember it and protect it. If you want to change your password at any time you can use the “Change Password” form on the eBay website. There is also a “Forgot Your Password” form that you can fill out if you forget what your password is. You’ll receive notification in your email of how you can change your password so that you can access your eBay seller’s account. Your present password will stay valid until you change it, so if you forget your password you won’t be able to access your account until you fill out the “Forgot Your Password” form and make the password change and respond back to eBay with replying email.
Your account information: When you want to make any other account changes that include information about your account or yourself, you can contact eBay by using the “Change Your Registered Information” form. This form will allow you to make any changes to your account that you need eBay and buyers to know. Keep in mind that any changes may take a day or two to be implemented on your account information page. Plan your changes accordingly so that you let your buyers see what you want them to see.
Other administration features: There are other administration features at eBay that you should be aware of so that you can become familiar and proficient with the selling process. The more experienced and comfortable you are moving around the eBay website the more you can focus on the selling of your products and the promotion of your business.
If you’re looking for a certain feature of eBay, and can’t seem to find it, don’t hesitate to contact them by email to find the appropriate place where you need to look. Some of the other administrative features that you can find on eBay include:
EBay administrative services are there to make your selling experience as easy as possible and so that your business can succeed. Take advantage of these administrative services whenever you can so that you build a solid and positive relationship between eBay and yourself.
There are some simple basics that you should know about listing your items for sale on eBay. The more items that you list the more experienced you’ll become in knowing how to write descriptions to entice buyers to take a longer look at the item that you’re selling than the items of other sellers.
The first thing that you need to do is find items that you want to sell. For your first few selling attempts choose items that you yourself like so that you can create a listing that you can relate to. Find similar items that are for sale on eBay so that you get a good idea of how much the item is worth, what other sellers are selling it for, and what category it best fits into. To find items that are similar to the one that you’re selling use the following steps:
You’ll quickly have a listing of items that were for sale on eBay but are now ended so that you can see what items are popular and what didn’t sell.
Once you have your item ready to sell you’re ready to begin listing it. The steps that you’ll need to complete, in the following order, are:
Be creative and step outside of the box. You need to establish new ways of marketing the items that you’re selling. Take time to examine your competitors on eBay so that you know what they’re doing and what you have to do better.
Once you are registered and have set up your seller's account you are ready to list the items that you want to sell. This is known as your eBay "listing". Your goal is to create a listing that is sensational and stands out from other listings. The secret to making money on eBay is to attract as many bidders as possible. There are several different sections that you can complete to create an eBay listing that is perfect for the item that you are selling. These include:
It is important to keep in mind that most buyers browse through the categories and items that interest them. Your eBay listing needs to be an attention-getter so that you give the buyer a reason to linger and take a longer look at the item that you are selling. Remember to check your spelling and avoid spelling mistakes. Misspelling of words is unprofessional and may make the difference between selling your item and having the listing expire without a sale.
Try to avoid using words in your eBay listing such as "rare" or "amazing". These are fluff words and will not convince buyers that they need your item just because it is amazing. Buyers will make their decision about the rarity of your item based on the concise and accurate information that you provide in you listing description.
When you are satisfied with the way the listing looks for your item you are ready to place the listing on eBay for buyers to bid on. Make sure to take a look at the way your listing looks online after you have completed the online steps. Make revisions to your listing if you're the least bit unsure about how it looks. It may take you a few tries for the first few items that you list but the effort will be well worth it.
EBay has administrative services that will help you create an item listing that give you the impact that you need to make those sales. In fact, eBay will write your item descriptions for you if you lack the confidence or the talent to do so yourself. You may want to take advantage of this administrative feature until you get the hang of being a powerseller on eBay.
Cost of listing: Selling on eBay costs you very little and this is one of the biggest appeals of this auction site. The cost of listing an item for sale on eBay will vary depending on the listing price of the item. This means that you can sell multiple items at a very low cost to you as an eBay powerseller.
If you decide to sell your items through an online shop you’ll have to pay a bit more for the listing price but this also means that there will be more advantages to you as a seller. You’ll be able to display all of the items that you have for sale at a lost cost that allows you to focus your business expenses in other areas, such as advertising or the purchase of products to sell. If you’re going to be selling your items