A Layman's Guide to PowerShell 2.0 Remoting
Author: Revikanth Chaganti & Jan Egil Ring
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One of the most exciting and important features of PowerShell 2.0 is the remoting capability. PowerShell remoting enables management of computers from a remote location. Remoting is built on top of Windows remote management (WinRM)1. WinRM is Microsoft’s implementation of the WS-Management2 protocol. This feature enables what is known as Universal Code Execution Model3 in Windows PowerShell 2.0. UCEM means that whatever runs locally should run anywhere. PowerShell Remoting also lets you import remote commands into a local session — a feature known as implicit Remoting and also enables you to save or export these imported commands to local disk as a module for later use. There are bunch of other features such as interactive sessions, etc. We will look into all these features -- one thing at a time.