Nearly a hundred years after Kirk prevented the Kelvan from stealing the Enterprise, they've returned to their original mission of conquering the Milky Way Galaxy. The story follows a unique character, who seems to be a part of everyone and everything in the universe.
(Book Two) In Star Trek: TOS episode "A Piece of the Action" Kirk unified the Iotians, a people who have modeled themselves after twentieth century American Gangsters, into a one world government. Because of that unification of power, and technology accidentally left behind by McCoy, the Iotians...
“I lived in Disraeli Avenue, in between Gladstone Street and Campbell-Bannerman Road.” The neighbors all pronounced it as “ Dizz- rah- el-lee” (four syllables) Avenue. My mother’s house was a semi-detached type on a street with 31 similar-looking houses. They looked identical but I knew...
Excellent classic! Download it today!
A maverick director travels to 1888 to film the murders of Jack the Ripper.
A semi-fiction book based on the secret life of Mona Lisa.
A First Century Druid, Lovern, and his wife, Jahna, have a deep belief in their faith and family. A difficult decision is made, and a life sacrificed. Now, an archaeologist, Aine MacRea, is piecing her life and theirs together, as she reveals buried secrets. Download this FREE e-Book today!
Download this FREE e-Book about Panton di Villa, a ten-year-old boy who wanted to write a "blog" and to get his revenge on a boy who had "taken his girl". The final 19 days of Panton di Villa’s life are shown to be as extraordinary as the way in which he tried to get his girl back. Why not see...
Sex, fights, hockey, and struggles. Danny thought that he could handle anything, but Branton was a different animal. Hockey is life in Branton, and anyone who steals the show is not looked upon too kindly. Unfortunately for Danny, his amazing skill poses exactly that problem—he is better than...
Download this FREE e-Book about two young stoners who find themselves caught up in a series of events that they are unable to control. Joined at the hip by a lifelong friendship, they both face decisions that they had not bargained at the time that they began using drugs to get the girls and...