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The Red Vineyard

The Red Vineyard

B. J. Murdoch | Biography
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Another priest, whose work was oftener among old tomes than among men, said slowly and, as was his wont, somewhat seriously, that it surprised him very much to note my eagerness to go to war. He did not consider it in keeping with the dignity of the priest to be so belligerently inclined. Did I...

Roman Politics

Roman Politics

Frank Frost Abbott | Politics
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Roman political history has an unusual meaning and value for us, because the Romans had to face so many of the problems which confront us today, and their experience ran through such a wide range.

Female Affection

Female Affection

Basil Montagu | Psychology
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There are certain properties of the female mind upon which doubt has existed, and may, possibly, long exist.

Godsend to a Lady

Godsend to a Lady

B. M. Bower | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
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Casey waved good-by to the men from Tonopah, squinted up at the sun, and got a coal-oil can of water and filled the radiator of his Ford. He rolled his bed in the tarp and tied it securely, put flour, bacon, coffee, salt, and various other small necessities of life into a box, inspected his...

The Samovar Girl

The Samovar Girl

Frederick Ferdinand Moore | Fiction
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It was the music of chains. A column of unfortunates from the big prison on the hill swung down the road and turned into the wide street between the log houses. They were on their way out into the taiga to cut wood and hew timbers under a guard of Cossacks.

The Principal Girl

The Principal Girl

J. C. Snaith | Fiction
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The great Proconsul stood on one of Messrs. Maple’s best hearthrugs in Grosvenor Square. A typical payer of the super-tax, a pink and prosperous gentleman in a morning coat and striped trousers, his appearance had long commanded the admiration of his country.

Old Indian trails

Old Indian trails

Walter McClintock | History
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
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In the spring of 1896 I went into northwestern Montana as a member of a Government expedition which was appointed by President Cleveland to recommend a national policy for the United States Forest Reserves and to advise the Secretary of the Interior as to the reserving of certain other forests.

Trouble on Titan

Trouble on Titan

Henry Kuttner | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
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Whenever Von Zorn, chief of Nine Planets Films, ran into trouble he automatically started the televisors humming with calls for Anthony Quade. The televisors were humming now. In fact they were shrieking hysterically. Quade’s code number bellowed out through a startled and partially deafened...



Robert W. Chambers | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
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THE baby was born at Whitewater Farms about nine in the morning, April 19, 1900. Two pure-breed calves,—one a heifer, the other a bull,—were dropped the same day at nearly the same hour.

Unalienable Rights

Unalienable Rights

Yuri Zakharenkov | Biography
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Story of Gary and his family is unique by its amazing turns, which nobody could predict (but everyone told that the way out of Soviet society to western culture was going to be extremely difficult). Some of Gary's old friends considered him as a lucky one, nobody should following his path, they...

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Showing results 1261-1270 of 15004