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Archie Facey | Religious
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This free eBook exposes several church teachings as false and not Biblically based. What does the Bible REALLY say? Find out for yourself, and be surprised.

An Oberland Châlet

An Oberland Châlet

Edith Elmer Wood | Travel
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In the beginning, there were but four—no, five—of us,—Belle Soeur and my two Babes and I and our good French Suzanne, who, besides looking out for the Younger Babe, performed various useful functions about the house. After some six weeks Frater and his college chum, Antonio, dropped in on us...

Millions from Waste

Millions from Waste

Frederick Arthur Ambrose Talbot | Reference
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The reclamation and exploitation of waste products for a variety of industrial uses constitute one of the most fascinating and increasingly important developments in modern industry. It is a subject of which very little is known outside privileged circles, and the possibilities of which are but...

The Adam Chaser

The Adam Chaser

B. M. Bower | Fiction
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Abington harried the starter with vicious jabs of his heel, then crawled reluctantly out into the blistering wind which felt as if it were driving down the sunlight with sharp needle points of heat that stung and smarted the skin where they struck.

A Floating City, and The Blockade Runners

A Floating City, and The Blockade Runners

Jules Vernes | Fiction
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On the 18th of March, 1867, I arrived at Liverpool, intending to take a berth simply as an amateur traveller on board the “Great Eastern,” which in a few days was to sail for New York. I had sometimes thought of paying a visit to North America, and was now tempted to cross the Atlantic on...

Life of Mozart

Life of Mozart

Louis Nohl | Biography
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Mr. Louis Nohl, the author of the present little volume, has merited for himself in Germany a high reputation as a writer of the biographies of musicians, and some of his larger works have appeared in English on the other side of the Atlantic. The present is the first translation into our language...

Contraband: A Tale of Modern Smugglers

Contraband: A Tale of Modern Smugglers

Erle Spencer | Fiction
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Dare Stanley, who had been lying down in his berth, felt the necessity of fresh air, and slipping on an oilskin coat he made his way on deck. The air was fresh enough there in all conscience! He found all but the bridge deserted; the heavy sea made a stay on deck undesirable. Yet he did not wish...

The Lone Trail

The Lone Trail

Luke Allan | Fiction
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Inspector Barker, of the Royal North-West Mounted Police, raised his frowning eyes from the weekly report he was scrawling, to watch absent-mindedly the arrival of the Calgary express as it roared out from the arches of the South Saskatchewan bridge and pulled up at the station.

Life of Emanuel Swedenborg

Life of Emanuel Swedenborg

William White | Biography
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During the few past years many biographies of Swedenborg have been offered to the public. Dr. Tafel, of Tübingen, in 1839, collected into one volume the testimonies of Swedenborg’s personal friends, his letters, and various documents relating to him which were scattered through many volumes.

Mother Goose in Gridiron Rhyme

Mother Goose in Gridiron Rhyme

Anonymous | Politics
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A collection of alphabets, rhymes, tales and jingles : with 80 illustrations

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