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Against the Tide

Against the Tide

H. Bedford-Jones | Fiction
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The old-fashioned Deming mansion, for the hundredth time in its sedate existence, was filled with a gayety which offset even the menacing weather.

The Cruise of the Pelican

The Cruise of the Pelican

H. Bedford-Jones | Fiction
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Tom Dennis sat on a printer's stool beside a very dirty window which dimly illumined his figure, and stared at the gloom surrounding him. His rawboned face was dejected; his angular body slumped despondently. In his hand was a little sheaf of papers.

Elsie's Friends at Woodburn

Elsie's Friends at Woodburn

Martha Finley | Fiction
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The twenty-fourth had been cold and stormy: a keen, biting wind blowing continuously, during the greater part of the day, bringing with it a heavy fall of sleet and snow.

Jerry Todd and the Talking Frog

Jerry Todd and the Talking Frog

Leo Edwards | Fiction
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When I started writing this book, I thought of calling it: JERRY TODD AND THE PUZZLE ROOM MYSTERY. But Scoop told me that wasn’t the proper title. “There is more in the book about the talking frog than there is about the puzzle room,” he pointed out. “So why don’t you call it JERRY TODD...

Arthur Blane; or, The Hundred Cuirassiers

Arthur Blane; or, The Hundred Cuirassiers

James Grant | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
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In the following pages are narrated much of real life and adventure, with much that is historically true; but these passages I leave to the inquiring reader to discover or to separate. The localities are all described from old works or other sources, as they existed in the time of the hero.

A Marriage in High Life: Volume I

A Marriage in High Life: Volume I

Lady Scott | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Emmeline’s father, an opulent city merchant and banker, appeared arrayed in a complete new suit for the occasion. The first gloss was not off his coat, which hung stiff upon him, as if not yet reconciled to the homely person to which it was destined to belong, while each separate bright button...

A Marriage in High Life: Volume II

A Marriage in High Life: Volume II

Lady Scott | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Easter was now fast approaching, and Fitzhenry announced to Emmeline his intention of going out of town for a fortnight,—but not to Arlingford—And he concluded by saying, that, of course, he supposed she would like to pass the time with her father at Charlton.

A Secret Service: Being Strange Tales of a Nihilist

A Secret Service: Being Strange Tales of a Nihilist

William Le Queux | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

The Tzar knows little of the horrors committed in his name. He has never been inside the tenth pavilion in Warsaw Citadel, where starving people have, times without number, been knouted to death. He knows nothing of the dark underground dungeons overrun with vermin in the Peter-Paul Fortress; he...

Belgian Fairy Tales

Belgian Fairy Tales

William Elliot Griffis | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

The name which the Belgians give to their country is Belgique. The English form Belgium is that from the Latin of ancient days. The country is inhabited by two races. Draw a line across the map of Belgium and you divide the kingdom into two regions, inhabited by Flemings and Walloons. Let the line...

One-Minute Video Guide

One-Minute Video Guide

Dennis | Free Previews
Rating:     Rated: 4 times
Format: PDF

If you want people to engage your business or your brand, you have to start investing in the currency of digital platforms, attention. People are trading hours of their day scrolling through Facebook and you have to fight for every bit of attention you can get.The easiest way to get people’s...

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