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Showing results 1311-1320 of 15004
In Naaman's House

In Naaman's House

Marian MacLean Finney | Fiction
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The younger and smaller maid laughed delightedly and stooping to the floor began to fold the thickly padded rug or quilt on which she had slept, depositing it in a nook in the wall apparently built for the purpose and keeping up a steady stream of talk designed to be informing to the new arrival.

Dough or Dynamite

Dough or Dynamite

W. C. Tuttle | Fiction
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Archibald occupies a seat on the buckboard with Telescope, and they soon comes over and climbs on top of the corral fence. Archibald’s name fits him—in a way. The length of his first name indicates his girth and his last name his height. He’s one of them persons who you’d never invite to...

The Flowers and Gardens of Madeira

The Flowers and Gardens of Madeira

Florence Du Cane | Reference
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The very name of Madeira (or island of timber, as the word signifies) brings to the minds of most people a suggestion of luxuriant vegetation flourishing in a damp, enervating climate. Such, indeed, was my own mental picture of Madeira before my first visit to the island. I expected to find every...

Polaris and the Goddess Glorian

Polaris and the Goddess Glorian

Charles B. Stilson | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
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In the antarctic wilds far below Ross Sea, Polaris Janess (Polaris—of the Snows), was born, of a mother he never knew, and grew to manhood's years knowing one human face only, that of his father. When that father died, the young man set his face to the north, to find the world of men, of which...

Fantasy: A Novel

Fantasy: A Novel

Matilde Serao | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
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The most prominent imaginative writer of the latest generation in Italy is a woman. What little is known of the private life of Matilde Serao adds, as forcibly as what may be divined from the tenour and material of her books, to the impression that every student of literary history must have...

'Bobbie', a Story of the Confederacy

'Bobbie', a Story of the Confederacy

Kate Langley Bosher | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Over two hundred slaves were owned by the master, and the stables were reckoned the finest in the State, for the stock included many animals of well-known and enviable records. There was a private race-track at one end of the plantation, and when at the spring and fall meets the neighbors from his...



Patrick Quinlan | Sci-fi Fantasy
Rating:     Rated: 5 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

What if you could be immortal? And what if the price was to give up everything first, including your very life? Robotics engineer Susan Jones has discovered the key to immortality - downloading human awareness into intelligent machines. About to be murdered for her secret, she downloads herself...

Snack To Ketosis: Over 60 Irresistible Ketogenic Dessert Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss

Snack To Ketosis: Over 60 Irresistible Ketogenic Dessert Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss

Abdur Rahman | Free Previews
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF

Snack To Ketosis: Over 60 Irresistible Ketogenic Dessert Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss - With Full Colour Pictures (Keto, Paleo, Low Carb, Cookbook, Low Salt)

A Strange, Sad Comedy

A Strange, Sad Comedy

Molly Elliot Seawell | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
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Everything about Colonel Corbin had reached the stage of genteel shabbiness—a shabbiness which is the exclusive mark of gentlemen. His dignified frock-coat was white about the seams with much brushing, and the tall, old-fashioned “stock” which supported his chin was neatly but obviously...

Bring the Jubilee

Bring the Jubilee

Ward Moore | History
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Granpa lost an arm on the Great Retreat to Philadelphia after the fall of Washington to General Lee’s victorious Army of Northern Virginia, so his war ended some six months before the capitulation at Reading and the acknowledgment of the independence of the Confederate States on July 4, 1864...

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Showing results 1311-1320 of 15004