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Whistler or The Manly Boy

Whistler or The Manly Boy

Walter Aimwell | Fiction
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The object of this book is to portray the character of the MANLY BOY—a character that never fails to inspire love and esteem, if only it be natural and genuine. That a youth may still be a real boy in his tastes, his pursuits, and his feelings,—as every young lad certainly ought to be—and...

Women of 'Ninety-Eight

Women of 'Ninety-Eight

Mrs. Thomas Concannon | Biography
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“THEY tell a beautiful and poetical story about the croppies’ graves in Wexford. Many of them carried in their coat pockets wheat seed gathered in the fields to satisfy their hunger. When they were buried in their shallow graves the seed sprouted and pushed its way up to the light, and the...

First Theater in America

First Theater in America

Charles P. Daly | History
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Dunlap, the historian of the American Stage, informs us that the drama was introduced in this country by William Hallam, the successor of Garrick in Goodman’s Field Theatre, who formed a joint stock company and sent them to America under the management of his brother Lewis Hallam in the year...

Peru: A land of contrast

Peru: A land of contrast

Millicent Todd Bingham | History
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Any statement regarding Peru implies a contrary statement equally valid. Contrast is its characteristic quality, true as to the general aspects of the country and ramifying through remote details. It is the obvious point of view from which to study Peru.

The Evolution of Marriage and of the Family

The Evolution of Marriage and of the Family

Ch. Letourneau | Reference
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A few preliminary observations in regard to the aim and method of this work may be useful to the reader.

A New Aristocracy

A New Aristocracy

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Mr. Murchison had been the rector of the small parish of Barnley, distant perhaps a hundred miles from the city of C——, the great commercial center of the West, and having attended faithfully to his duties for a series of years, had been stricken at last with the dread pangs of consumption...

The North Shore Mystery

The North Shore Mystery

Henry Fletcher | Fiction
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“The usual quiet of North Shore was this morning rudely dispelled by the alarming rumour p. 2that a crime of an unusual kind had been committed in the house of Mrs. Delfosse, Lavender Bay.

A Girton Girl

A Girton Girl

Annie Edwards | Fiction
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‘The foundations of Newnham and of Girton may be deep,’ observed Gaston Arbuthnot, in his pleasant, level, semi-American voice. ‘The foundations of the Gogmagog Hills are deeper! Girl wranglers may come, girl optimists may go. The heart of woman remains unchanged. And the heart of...

A Courier of Fortune

A Courier of Fortune

Arthur W. Marchmont | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
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THE hot noontide sun was pouring down into the market place of Morvaix and in the shadow cast by the great Cross of St. Jean in the centre, a handsome but very soberly dressed cavalier was sheltering from the fierce July heat and closely observing the townspeople as they clustered here and there...

The Overman

The Overman

Upton Sinclair | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
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This is the story of Edward ——, as he told it to me only a few days before he died; he told it as he lay half paralysed, and knowing that the hand of death was upon him.

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