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Wilderness Honey

Wilderness Honey

Frank Lillie Pollock | Fiction
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All three turned and looked at the weatherbeaten side of the frame building adjoining the house—the store that for half a century had been known as “Harman’s.” It had been a great place in its day, had Harman’s. Almost the first recollections of all three children were connected with the...

In the Cause of Freedom

In the Cause of Freedom

Arthur W. Marchmont | Fiction
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I had hard work to prevent myself laughing at the man to his face; and it is no light matter to laugh at these self-satisfied, bullying officials in Russian Poland. Some of them have too much power.

Shepherds of the Wild

Shepherds of the Wild

Edison Marshall | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
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The mouth of the canyon was darkened with shadows when the bull elk came stealing down the brown trail through the dusky thicket. In all this mountain realm, a land where the wild things of the forest still held sway, there was no creature of more majestic bearing or noble beauty.

Fighting King George

Fighting King George

John T. McIntyre | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
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The person to whom he spoke was a negro, young in years but of colossal size; as he sat amidships in the skiff, with the sheet rope in his hand, his sleeveless shirt showing his mighty arms bare to the shoulder, he resembled a statue of Hercules, cut out of black marble.

Anne Feversham

Anne Feversham

J. C. Snaith | Fiction
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ADISTINGUISHED member of the Lord Chamberlain’s company, Mr. William Shakespeare by name, had entered the shop of a tailor in the town of Nottingham. This popular and respected actor and playwright was about thirty-five years of age. Of middle height, he had the compact figure of one in the...

The Lone Swallows

The Lone Swallows

Henry Williamson | History
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
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Along the trackless and uncharted airlines from the southern sun they came, a lone pair of swallows, arriving with weakly and uncertain flight from over the wastes of the sea. They rested on a gorse bush, their blue backs beautiful against the store of golden blossom guarded by the jade spikes.

The Truth About Congo Free State

The Truth About Congo Free State

F. Starr | History
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
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When I returned to America, I had decided to express no opinion upon the public and political questions of the Congo Free State. Having found conditions there quite different from what I had expected, it was impossible for me to state my actual impressions without danger of antagonizing or...

Through Colonial Doorways

Through Colonial Doorways

Anne Hollingsworth Wharton | History
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
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The revival of interest in Colonial and Revolutionary times has become a marked feature of the life of to-day. Its manifestations are to be found in the literature which has grown up around these periods, and in the painstaking individual research being made among documents and records of the past...

The Rambler Club's Winter Camp

The Rambler Club's Winter Camp

W. Crispin Sheppard | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
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Life in the wilds, amidst snow and ice, has its discomforts and dangers, as well as charms, and many trying and exciting experiences fall to their lot; and these they meet with a cheerful, courageous spirit.

Food for a Healthy Life

Food for a Healthy Life

Blueprint | Health
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
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introducing Food for a Healthy Life.

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Showing results 1401-1410 of 15004