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Elsie and the Raymonds

Elsie and the Raymonds

Martha Finley | Fiction
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Still the image of maternal beauty and grace, Elsie celebrates her fiftieth birthday as family and friends from far and near gather to express their love. Max and Lulu accompany Captain Raymond on a business trip to the West, where they commerorate the Fourth of July with a grand party. Their...

A Child's History of the World

A Child's History of the World

V. M. Hillyer | Children's Classics
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

One of the finest history books for children, this well-loved Hillyer classic features stories of world history from prehistoric man through the 20th century, inspiring an appreciation of how events relate to one another.

The King Who Went on Strike

The King Who Went on Strike

Pearson Choate | Fiction
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The King leant against the stone balustrade, which runs round the roof of Buckingham Palace, and looked about him. All around him, above him, and below him, the night was ablaze with a myriad lights. Loyal Londoners, in accordance with their custom, were closing their Coronation celebrations with...

The Man Who Saved the Earth

The Man Who Saved the Earth

Austin Hall | Fiction
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The story opens on an oppressively hot day with a poor little newspaper boy, Charley, playing with a "burning glass" (a magnifying glass) which he uses to concentrate sunlight onto a small focal spot, thus intensifying the heat on some paper until it burns a hole, perhaps a portent of things to...

Old Ninety-Nine's Cave

Old Ninety-Nine's Cave

Elizabeth H. Gray | Fiction
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THE Shawangunk Mountains extend from near the center of Ulster County to the southwestern corner in an almost unbroken chain. The Catskills are in the northeastern part and between these two ranges is the Rondout Valley, which extends from the Delaware to the Hudson River, averaging in width about...

The Hole Book

The Hole Book

Peter Newell | Poetry
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Tom Potts was fooling with a gun (Such follies should not be), When—bang! the pesky thing went off Most unexpectedly! Tom didn’t know ’twas loaded, and It scared him ’most to death—He tumbled flat upon the floor And fairly gasped for breath. The bullet smashed a fine French clock (The...

Elogiu păsărilor

Elogiu păsărilor

Anastasia Forfotă | Poetry
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF

“Elogiu păsărilor” este o colecție de poeme în limba română, cu un lirism prezent și în versuri, și în proză, ale Anastasiei Forfotă, autoare din București. Abordând teme precum iubirea, lumina, zborul, viața, moartea, învierea, nemurirea, Dumnezeu și credința, prin motivele...

Origins of the Celts

Origins of the Celts

Cryfris Llydaweg | History
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
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The Animals' Christmas Tree

The Animals' Christmas Tree

John P. Peters | Short Stories
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Once upon a time the animals decided to have a Christmas tree, and this was how it came about. The swifts and the swallows in the chimneys in the country houses, awakened from their sleep by joy and laughter, had stolen down and peeped in upon scenes of happiness, the centre of which was always an...

The Little Pilgrim: Further Experiences

The Little Pilgrim: Further Experiences

Mrs. Oliphant | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

THE LITTLE PILGRIM IN THE SEEN AND UNSEEN. The little Pilgrim, whose story has been told in another place, and who had arrived but lately on the Other side, among those who know trouble and sorrow no more, was one whose heart was always full of pity for the suffering. And after the first rapture...

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Showing results 1621-1630 of 15009