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Showing results 3751-3760 of 15031
L'Économie pour les Enfants

L'Économie pour les Enfants

Matthieu Giroux | International
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, TXT

L'enfant veut très tôt comprendre la société, quand il voit ses parents discuter autour de lui. L'économie consiste à comprendre les mouvements de la société, pour l'améliorer. Nous donnons la possibilité à un enfant de collège de comprendre l'économie réelle, qui fait vivre...

Devenir un Génie

Devenir un Génie

Matthieu Giroux | International
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
Format: PDF, TXT

Voici de nouvelles réponses à l'envie d'analyser votre créativité. Après avoir écrit, il s'agit de chanter, de concevoir autour de soi ou de jouer de la musique accessible, afin de s'épanouir. C'est avec ce qu'on crée qu'on se comprend, par sa recherche de vérité. Ce livre vous permet de...

The Dummy Proof Guide to Online Poker

The Dummy Proof Guide to Online Poker

PokerProCollab | Games
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

This ebook is a collaboration of a group of online pro’s who want to share their tips with you. It features advice written specifically for the poker player new to the online poker scene and to prepare you for the online poker world.This eBook will cover subjects concerning why poker is so...

The Last Wild West Town - Whiz Bang City

The Last Wild West Town - Whiz Bang City

Bill Russo | Drama
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Forty years after the smoke cleared from the shootout at the OK Corral, Whiz Bang City in Oklahoma still had daily gunfights, train robberies, and the slickest gunfighter/lawman the West has ever seen. Based on real people and events this is the story of Sherriff Don Jose Alvarado and the last...

The Clerk

The Clerk

Mike Bozart | Short Stories
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

A 20-something Asian American clerk at a Charlotte (NC, USA) convenience store is up to something more than just sales of fuel and overpriced sundries. If this slice-of-life vignette were expanded into an American movie, it would be rated G (ok for all ages). Another tale in the ongoing psecret...

Guide to a Successful Product Launch

Guide to a Successful Product Launch

Shane Barker | Business
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle

Ever heard of the Apple Newton? What about Microsoft WebTV? It’s likely that you haven’t. Even if you’re familiar with these names, it’s probably because you read an article somewhere about failed products. Don't fall prey to these outcomes by learning how to build a winning strategy for...

Refuse To Be Silenced

Refuse To Be Silenced

Kelsey Purcell | Self-Improvement
Rating:     Rated: 10 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Refuse To Be Silenced is a memoir of my personal experience going through finding a great love, then realizing it was all a lie. The man I once knew had been wearing a mask, covering his true character from me and the rest of the world. One night, he takes off the mask to reveal his dark monster...



Kari Lynn M. | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

"You know, I like to pretend like I'm in a cartoon." "A cartoon?" He looked back and forth between me and the road ahead as he continued. "Yeah, like I'm in one of those crazy violent video games, or a James Bond movie, or a crazy violent James Bond video game... Or, to categorize all of that... a...

Chess For All

Chess For All

Paul Wiseman | Games
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
Format: PDF

So you know how the pieces move - but what do you do next? The answers are to be found in this book which explains the important knowledge that all good players have at their fingertips. 'Chess For All' is in two parts: The basic skills you need to know in order to become a competent chess...



Andrew Paul Cannon | Religious
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, TXT

The story is too familiar. You visit a church and everyone is nice, but no one seems to truly care. The people wear masks of righteousness only to, after you have committed yourself, remove those masks to reveal the face of a horrid witch-like creature. Or, perhaps, a different mask is worn: a...

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Showing results 3751-3760 of 15031