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Showing results 6751-6760 of 15031
Mind of Man, An  Animal Farm

Mind of Man, An Animal Farm

Natarajan Nagarethinam | Psychology
Rating:     Rated: 2 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Each and every one of the animal specie through the history, across the continents behave consistently. The Man as a specie is unpredictable, think differently in different situations, differently in different times for the same situation. That is why the man could not be tamed. To tame any...

EssayMama's Essay Writing Guide

EssayMama's Essay Writing Guide | Marketplace
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT presents you our ultimate 'Essay Writing Guide'Becoming a better writer it is not easy. It takes a lot of labor and determination. That's why is here to share this ultimate 'Essay Writing Guide' with all our readers.This guide aims to help you improve your writing...

75 Best Must-Have Free Apps

75 Best Must-Have Free Apps

M L Fitz | Business
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle

Use Your Cell Phone to Put Money in Your Pockets. This book contains 75 practical top rated apps that can make life a little easier for you and help make you less broke. Using these apps you can:Earn extra spending moneyFind coupons, sales and the best deals in your areaSave money on gas and...

Cluster Headache ~ How to Attack Any Type of Chronic Headaches Dead Cold Before the Pain Starts ~ 99 Plus Home Remedy Ti

Cluster Headache ~ How to Attack Any Type of Chronic Headaches Dead Cold Before the Pain Starts ~ 99 Plus Home Remedy Ti

Terry D. Clark | Health
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Are suffering from frequent headaches or know some one close to you whos in pain all the time? All types of headaches pain can be very agonizing -- Cluster Headaches can stop you from doing all the things you love. Seeing friends, playing with the kids... even trying to watch your favorite TV...

Throne of the Crescent Moon

Throne of the Crescent Moon

Saladin Ahmed | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 7 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

The debut novel of Saladin Ahmed, Throne of the Crescent Moon, is something fresh and very conversant in the genre of fantasy. Moved as much by the fairytales of primitive Arabia and Persia as by the plot structures of great fantasy, the outcome is an appealing mixture. Featuring daring dervishes...

Got'ta Great Book Idea for A Novel, But I'm NO Writer ~ How to Start Writing A Book and Get It Publish For Beginners wit

Got'ta Great Book Idea for A Novel, But I'm NO Writer ~ How to Start Writing A Book and Get It Publish For Beginners wit

Terry Clark | Writing & Publishing
Rating:     Rated: 3 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Discover how you can start writing a book or a novel... Easily within a whole week and get it publish on your very own. If you're thinking this is plain fantasy, think again. All professional writers get paid to write their books... And did you know they sell their books via proposals before they...

Knowing Yourself - A Medieval Romance

Knowing Yourself - A Medieval Romance | Romance
Rating:     Rated: 10 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Kay is entranced with the possibilities which lie before her. Five handsome, willing men are vying for her hand in marriage. The stakes are ownership of a medieval keep perched on the rocky edge of a stormy ocean. Each man seems more stunning than the last, and it is her choice which will reward...

The Two Faces of Bipolar Disorder ~ What Does It Mean and How It Affect Your Personality or Someone You Love

The Two Faces of Bipolar Disorder ~ What Does It Mean and How It Affect Your Personality or Someone You Love

Terry D. Clark | Health
Rating:     Rated: 3 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Do you have or know someone suffering from bipolar disorder? Do you fully understand what does bipolar mean? Trying to cope with the ups & downs of being bipolar is a heavy burden to carry. Forget about decoding medical jargging terms or whatever you've read in a 500 page book. When you're sick...

How to Make a $3000 Professional Looking Small Business Website from Scratch

How to Make a $3000 Professional Looking Small Business Website from Scratch

Van Miller | Web Design
Rating:     Rated: 4 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle

Congratulations! You just found the ultimate beginners website developers, easy to follow step by step guide. Learn how to make a professional website in few hours or even less. Optimize it for the search engines and bring visitors to it. This guide will help you save not just tons of time, but...

Your Irregular Behavior Body Gesture Might Have Cost You to Be UnSuccessful In Life Without You Even Realizing It ~ How

Your Irregular Behavior Body Gesture Might Have Cost You to Be UnSuccessful In Life Without You Even Realizing It ~ How

Terry D. Clark | Self-Improvement
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Discover how you can read and make body gesture for maximum success in your life. Learn how to read and decode people's inner feelings, emotions through their body language... And how you can use this new found knowledge to advance in your career, relationships, and much, much more! After...

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Showing results 6751-6760 of 15031