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15 Mistakes I Made When Starting A Blog That Cost Me Hundreds Of Subscribers.

15 Mistakes I Made When Starting A Blog That Cost Me Hundreds Of Subscribers.

Andrew M. Warner | Educational
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

I made mistakes when it comes to blogging as you probably have as well. However, there are some mistakes that are just so crucial to make that it takes a painstakingly long time to recover from them. I've made those type of mistakes within my very first year of blogging and I want to share that...

SOMA:  The Meme Dump

SOMA: The Meme Dump

Jesse Yules | Humor
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

An intercity loser suffers an identity crisis after becoming famous on the Internet.

Pani's Island

Pani's Island

Tony Brown | Drama
Rating:     Rated: 3 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

In this tale, anti-hero Godfrey arrives on Greek shores in the role of a modern day Odysseus. Appointed by fate, can he - as Odysseus before him - protect the heritage of a desperate people whilst the odds seem against them? My tale weaves greed, lust, mythology and crime, together with family...

Schulleitung und Schulentwicklung in Frankreich

Schulleitung und Schulentwicklung in Frankreich

Pierre Tulowitzki | International
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF

Wie arbeiten Schulleiterinnen und Schulleiter in Frankreich? Welche Herausforderungen erwarten sie im beruflichen Alltag? Wie ist ihr Verhältnis zur Schulentwicklung? Was können wir daraus für unseren Kontext lernen? Diesen Fragen widmet sich Pierre Tulowitzki in seiner Studie. Er untersucht...

Kakri: A Birthright Secrets Story

Kakri: A Birthright Secrets Story

Tiffany Cherney | Mystery
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Liz is set to make her mark on Segennya but there's a lot to be done and it's far from smooth sailing. It's made even more complicated when Kakri, the Goddess of Segennya decides to step in and give her own type of help. For a while it seems she's actually helping, but when Kakri inadvertently...

Surdas' Moment of Glory

Surdas' Moment of Glory

T. K. Raghunathan | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 4 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

This is a story based on Surdas, the blind poet. The story features his interaction with Lord Krishna and a diabolical plot hatched by Surdas to regain his vision so as to see the lord in person. Krishna's celebrated Consort also takes in a hand in the plot. The story is purely fiction. A very...

Living Stress Free: The Secret of How To Manage Stress And Live Life Fully

Living Stress Free: The Secret of How To Manage Stress And Live Life Fully

Sonali Perera | Self-Improvement
Rating:     Rated: 3 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Using techniques that address every aspect of stress including breathing, nutrition, physical exercise and time management, you can slowly remove the sources of stress from your life once and for all and live stress free! This book considers different possibilities and will briefly explain...

Secret of Secrets: The Revelation of OCCOULIA - Reality is Programmable!

Secret of Secrets: The Revelation of OCCOULIA - Reality is Programmable!

Moorpheus H. B. | Body & Spirit
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

What we call reality is really a computer generated simulation. We created this simulation on the plane of soul as a learning simulation to teach us the knowledge of good and evil by experiencing. We then created avatars (bodies) for ourselves to operate within this simulation. Since this reality...



Tomislav Škrljac | Sci-fi Fantasy
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Pustolovine dviju hrabrih djevojaka diljem fantastičnog i mističnog Kontinenta. Potraga za ukradenom statuetom, s ciljem konačnog zaustavljanja strašnog rata, pretvara se u nešto mnogo veće, pruža mnoge opasnosti i skriva opasne tajne...

Follow Up Fortunes - Secrets of email marketing revealed

Follow Up Fortunes - Secrets of email marketing revealed

Viable Marketing | Business
Rating:     Rated: 3 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Grab this free report and discover how you can... * Turn more of your web site visitors into paying customers… * Give your web site the best chance of success… * Prevent your prospects from buying from a competitor… * Do 3 vital things that can add up to a huge boost in sales…Download this...

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Showing results 7191-7200 of 15031