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Showing results 8381-8390 of 15031
Who is Jesus?

Who is Jesus?

Mike Connell | Religious
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

The book of Revelations is a revelation of Jesus Christ - his person, his characteristics, and his purpose and plan for us. Jesus is presented as: a Bridegroom; a King of Kings; and a Judge Set of 4 Sunday Sermons (Audio & Transcripts) Who is Jesus (1 of 4) Revelations The focus of...

The Interviews

The Interviews

Edwin Biederman, Jr. | Biography
Rating:     Rated: 2 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

This Cold War-Era story begins with Air Force first lieutenant Ken James being called into the Commanding General's office. After this tense interview Ken receives a letter from his girlfriend, Jane, who saved his life during his tour of duty in Greenland. Jane tells him that she is going to marry...

Gods Mandate to Parents - The Smacking Issue

Gods Mandate to Parents - The Smacking Issue

Mike Connell | Religious
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Anti-smacking legislation has recently been passed here in NZ. I just want to help give some biblical perspective to it, so I want to talk about this whole issue of the smacking issue, of whether to smack or not to smack but it's a lot deeper than that. What does God have to say about this matter?

Daughter of the Light

Daughter of the Light

Louise Andersen | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 7 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Never having known quite where she belongs or even who she is, Enilia faces cold terror when she wakes up to find out that Elior left. After all, he is where she belongs, who she is, he is her everything and she has never been without him before. She sets out alone to find him again, never caring...

Joomla 3 Newbie Guide

Joomla 3 Newbie Guide

Chandan Kumar | Web Design
Rating:     Rated: 3 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

I am excited to share with you all my initial book on Joomla 3. It's offered for complimentary and you'll be able to download from below. I feel this may assist you in Joomla arena! My first Book "Joomla! 3 Newbie's Guide", this book provides website designer and administrator with the knowledge...

Pot and Sticks

Pot and Sticks

Joshua Gray | Poetry
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Collected poems by Charles A Poole, published posthumously. Poole lived a minimalist life out in nature, not unlike Henry David Thoreau. He was a passionate recluse, socially uncomfortable, yet oddly extroverted and conversational. Poole had a rough childhood, the son of an angry father with...

Relationship or Rights

Relationship or Rights

Mike Connell | Religious
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Would you rather be Right, or would you rather have Relationship? Hurt people hurt others, without even realising. We have no power really to stop painful things happening in our life. We do have the choice how we respond. Relationship conflicts reveal our heart attitude. (Sermon Audio Transcript)

Build and Design a Website (HTML & CSS)

Build and Design a Website (HTML & CSS)

Jason Smith | Web Design
Rating:     Rated: 27 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle

If you can use a word processor, you can probably build a website. "Build And Design A Website" will teach you how to build a website using HTML and CSS. This guide uses straight-forward language and examples. Unlike other books, "Build And Design A Website" has been designed for computer...

Cave - Trolls and Amazons

Cave - Trolls and Amazons

Jonathan Pidduck | Sci-fi Fantasy
Rating:     Rated: 12 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Two cobbled-together armies square up across the Forest battlefield, ranks of trolls and wizards lining up against a horde of witches, Sirens and Amazons. But they are fighting a war neither side can hope to win. Only a handful of people stand between them and oblivion, each of whom has...

Crosscultural Doctoring on and off the Beaten Path

Crosscultural Doctoring on and off the Beaten Path

William Le Maire | Biography
Rating:     Rated: 2 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

This is about career change and early retirement. The death of my best friend at a young age made us (my wife and I) reflect on the many other things in life we wanted to do besides work. Thus at age 55 I resigned from my successful academic career and started working intermittently in many...

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Showing results 8381-8390 of 15031