Abundant Living on Low Income by Eva Peck - HTML preview

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Chapter 11
Possibility of a Higher Power

Sometimes we may feel like no one cares, no one loves us, nothing is going right, life is not fair, we aren’t coping. And in the here and now, under the burdens many are facing, it may well seem that way. However, if you feel down and desperate, lost and lonely, or fearful and overwhelmed by your life’s circumstances, consider that there may be a Higher Reality beyond the present physical experience that could help you improve your existence.

Consider the Existence of a Higher Reality

Many who have hit the rock bottom of their lives through addictions, business failures, relationship failures and heartbreak, terminal illness, or other hellish situations cried out in their despair to “God” for help. This was a last resort, just in case, plea when things can’t get any worse and nothing can be lost – even if they weren’t sure such a Being existed or was capable of hearing, much less helping.

And, lo and behold, miracles started happening. The highly successful Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) movement began on this principle, and since that time, many other programs have been built on the same foundation. Namely, there are certain aspects of our lives that we are unable to successfully handle ourselves and for which we need outside help. This is what has made the various “Anonymous” programs effective and successful – people in trouble appealing to a Higher Power as they understand it.

A Loving Helper

So if you are able to, accept and honour a Higher Reality as you understand it (God, Ultimate Cause, Ground of Being, the Universe, etc.). Consider that this Being / Reality is friendly and loving, not angry, judging, condemning and punishing as “He” may be often portrayed. Rather He/She is very willing to help us if we ask.

We are often “punished”, or bad things happen to us, as a result of our own unwise choices or unskilful actions, or bad choices and actions of others. There is a very complex interaction of causes and effects that we are all subject to and potentially at the mercy of.

Yet if we raise our consciousness to a higher level, consider that what we experience with our physical senses is not all there is, and elevate our lifestyle from a level of just self-interest and personal gratification to a level of serving others, we’ll receive help from unexpected sources. Generosity towards others will come back to us.

Looking for help beyond ourselves and believing that it will come will be rewarded. The universal principle of manifestation works more along the lines of “I’ll see it when I believe it” than the other way around.

Overall, we live in a friendly universe based on the principle of love. Just look around and appreciate the beauty of flowers and animals, the provision of food and water from the nature around us, the sun being just the right distance from our little planet to give us climates and temperatures suitable for human life, and so much more. Of course, we can’t deny the reality of suffering, but this is largely the result of causes and effects, of broken laws, of us or others abusing their free will.

The God understood by mystics and the various religions is indeed a Helper, Provider and Benefactor. This is true for all, but especially for those who honour and serve Him, and live in harmony with His laws meant to bring about human well-being.

Try asking for help in prayer. While our prayers may not be answered immediately, and/or exactly in the manner that we would like them to be, many people have experienced powerful answers and deliverances when they had prayed. Why go it alone, struggling with your limited human resources, when you can draw on the Power of the universe?