Abundant Living on Low Income by Eva Peck - HTML preview

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Appendix 4
Visualization and Affirmations

The following tips were adopted from Jack Canfield’s book, The Success Principles.

Often we act like driving a car with the hand brake on – maintaining a psychological brake of negative images and wrong beliefs. This keeps us comfortable – but limited. The key is to get out of our comfort zone by creating powerful internal images of what we want, and using positive affirmations or self-talk that reflect our goals fulfilled. Over time, this will lead to changing our behaviour and achieving our goals.

Imagination and visualization are very powerful tools. The brain sees no difference between visualizing something and actually doing it. One hour of visualization may be worth several hours of physical effort.

Visualization activates the creative powers of the subconscious mind; focuses the brain to notice relevant available resources; and attracts to us the people, resources and opportunities needed for achieving our goal. The conflict created in the subconscious between the present and visualized reality is resolved by opening doors for bringing about the new reality. This occurs through processes such as generating helpful thoughts and ideas, creating motivation to do new things, and empowering us to step out of our comfort zone and take more risks.

Visualize what you want to achieve with colours, sounds and feelings. For a stronger effect, make a goal notebook or vision board with photos and/or illustrations. To create effective affirmations, put your vision into a present-tense, first-person statement as though it was already reality. For example, “I am enjoying being … .”

Repeat and vividly visualize your affirmation one to three times a day, starting in the morning. You can also post it on cards around the house, record and listen to it, repeat and visualize it while you wait – the opportunities are endless. Daily meditation followed by affirming and visualizing your goal can be a powerful tool for reprogramming your mind and facilitating the achievement of your goals.