American Politics in the Age of Oil : The Bernie Sanders Phenomenon by Iakovos Alhadeff - HTML preview

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Why does Qatar Likes Bernie Sanders


The truth is that Qatar likes Bernie Sanders mainly for two reasons. The first one, and the least important I think, is that Bernie Sanders is a socialist Jew, and like most socialists Jews he is hostile towards Israel. Sanders is similar to the communist American-Jewish intellectual Noam Chomski, who blames Israel for everything that goes wrong. Noam Chomski is always used by the socialists and the Islamists as an example of a good Jew, and he was even banned from entering Israel. See Haaretz “Noam Chomsky Denied Entry Into Israel and West Bank”, May 2010.

For Bernie Sanders tough stance towards Israel since the 90s see Haaretz “Sanders in 1990: Wish U.S. Would Pressure Israel Harder on Palestinian Issue”, February 2016. Haaretzh is the oldest Israeli newspaper and it belongs to the center-left, and it is very critical towards Netanyahu. I mean it is not that Haaretz does not like Sanders because he is a socialist.

However I think the main reason the Qataris like Bernie Sanders is not his anti-Israel attitude, but something else. With the new production techniques developed by the American energy companies, it became possible to produce oil and gas from shale rock, and the United States is very rich in shale rock. Actually the United States became the largest producer of oil and gas, even though it is still the largest importer of oil due to the huge size of the American economy. See Bloomberg “U.S. Seen as Biggest Oil Producer After Overtaking Saudi”, July 2014.

The American oil and gas production made the American political elite hungry for even more money and power, and they want a larger share of this production for themselves, even though they always talk in the name of the people and democracy. One of Sanders’ most important political views is to tax more the American energy companies, as you can see at his site (taken on 15.2.2016).

“Combating Climate Change to Save the Planet” (taken 15.2.2015)

Right now, we have an energy policy that is rigged to boost the profits of big oil companies like Exxon, BP, and Shell at the expense of average Americans. CEO’s are raking in record profits while climate change ravages our planet and our people — all because the wealthiest industry in the history of our planet has bribed politicians into complacency in the face of climate change. Enough is enough. It’s time for a political revolution that takes on the fossil fuel billionaires, accelerates our transition to clean energy, and finally puts people before the profits of polluters.

-Senator Bernie Sanders

Imposing even larger taxes on American companies will not only make Sanders and the American political elite richer and stronger, but will also increase the price of oil and natural gas, and that will make the American production less competitive, which is extremely useful for the large producers of oil and gas abroad i.e. Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Russia etc. Therefore Sanders, the Arabs, the Iranians and the Russians, they all have common interests. That’s why you see Qatar being so friendly towards a Jewish candidate.

The term “resource curse” refers to a strange phenomenon, under which rich in resources countries tend to have slower growth, more corruption and less democracy. It is not a coincidence that Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey and Russia, who are the biggest international terrorists, are sitting on the Persian Gulf – Caspian Sea – West Siberia axis, which holds approximately 2/3 of the worlds oil and gas reserves.

Map 1 The Axis of Oil and Natural Gas


It is always easier for socialist and Islamist dictators to rise to power in countries that are rich in resources. They simply have to promise everything to everyone and people will like them and they will give them power. It is the same story in Saudi Arabia, Iran, the Soviet Union etc. See Wikipedia “Resource Curse”.

Therefore now that the US can produce large quantities of oil and natural gas there will be hungry socialist elite that will desire more and more of it. Bernie Sanders might just be the beginning of the “resource curse” for the United States. However it would take sometime for American socialists to transform the United States to a socialist dictatorship, because the United States has a strong constitution that protects it, and many years of capitalism made sure there is a strong institutional framework. However for a beginning Bernie Sanders could transform the United States to something like Norway. In Norway capitalism came first, and it created a strong institutional framework. See “The Swedish Economic Model : A Socialist or a Free Market Success”?

When oil was discovered in Norway in the late 60s it was not possible for the Norwegian socialists to transform the country to a socialist dictatorship. But it is very early to say what will happen, given that oil in Norway was discovered only 45 years ago. After all, Norway might have a large oil and gas production, but her reserves are peanuts when compared to the Arab, Iranians and Russian ones. You can also see that Norway does not do very bad in terms of economic freedom. Norway comes 32nd in the world ranking of economic freedom.

Picture 2 Index of Economic Freedom
