Anatomy of Economy - Book 1 (1 of 3 On Root Cause and Solutions to Economic Down Turn and Poverty) by Natarajan Nagarethinam - HTML preview

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Chapter 1

Anatomy of an economy

The name form governments change with time.

But the Economic activity of Production -

Distribution - Consumption will remain same

as ever

There are four components of an economy. Any

economic Theory that targets only the profit

maximizing ignoring the :following will lead

to both economic disaster and social unrest

affecting the peaceful coexistence of people in

the society.

1. Well being of the People (who produce,

distribute and consume)

2. Safe and healthy Products (Goods &


3. Wealth (generated in a society) :

(a) Not distributed among citizen

(b) Diluted in value, by introducing Pseudo

products and pseudo services.

(c) The wealth leaving the society to other

societies both legally and illegally,

Economics Basics that every citizen should know

1. People

The Human beings in any economy are the

most important.

To understand the economics and its dynamics,

it is absolutely necessary to understand each

one component that too thoroughly.

In this chapter we will understand people in a

couple of dimensions.

1. Lowest

2. Moderate to low

3. High ( Dominant Wrong knowledge)

4. High (Dominant Right knowledge)

Why are we discussing knowledge?

Knowledge determines how one would live

on earth. The wealth health possession and

possession of an individual depends entirely on

their knowledge levels. If one would be a master

or slave, is determined by one’s knowledge

levels. The essence is, the economic and social

life is determined by one’s knowledge.

What makes one person different from others

is their knowledge levels. So we need to

understand knowledge. The details on how to

improve our knowledge so that we lead a life free

of poverty and slavery require more pages to

explain. That we will discuss in a book dedicated

to knowledge.

1. Anatomy of Economics

Learning & thinking are the two skills that are

required to acquire knowledge.

There is an e-book written exclusively on

Learning & Thinking, titled: “Knowledge.

Go, get it.

Ability to remember:

Ability to retain in memory and recalling them is a

basic requirement for a life. Nature has provided

lives with varying extent of this ability.

Those who have less are invariably very poor.

This ability can be improved so that we will not

be pushed into poverty and poor will shed his

poverty and slavery.

Further, for a successful life It is necessary for

us to remember the lessons that we learn

and retain the knowledge we gained through


Knowledge 2 Types

Nature has provided lives with two types of

knowledge, in varying mix of:

A. Right knowledge, B. Wrong knowledge.

There are limitless knowledge both old and

emerging, that we cannot acquire in our life


All the three play their role when a man acts

in a given situation giving different results for

different people.

Economics Basics that every citizen should know

Acting with right knowledge results in

constructive positive, and favourable life

situations. Acting with the wrong knowledge

leads to destructive, negative acts resulting in

unfavourable life situations. Actions with no-

knowledge is not possible. Such people act on


The faith could be God or some selected people

around them.

To have knowledge one should have the ability

to learn and think.

Knowledge levels and type one acquire

depending on their ability to learn & think.

Now will discuss four group of people with very

low to very high Knowledge in our society.

Grouping people Differentiated by


1. Men-of- Knowledge

They are the most knowledgeable in any

society. The world understand them them

as thinkers, philosophers, Saints, Sufis,

Sages, Zen Masters.

They do not play a direct role in Economy.

2. Highly knowledgeable.

People with higher levels of knowledge than

common man but far less than Men-of -


1. Anatomy of Economics

Knowledge has two compartments namely,

Right knowledge, Wrong knowledge.

Right knowledge is useful for constructive

and, positive activities with pleasant


Wrong knowledge, on the other hand , useful

for destructive and negative activities that

often leads to unpleasant situation.

There are two major group of people who have

more knowledge than common man, who are

middle class and poor in the socieity.

The first group of people with Dominant

Right Knowledge who run enterprises

big or small. They do not work for others on


They are capitalists.

(Special Classes of Capitalist are Crony

Capitalist and Global Capitalist)

The Second group of people with Dominant

Wrong knowledge form leaders of all shades

and all walks of life.

It Is natural that people with higher knowledge

dominate those with lower knowledge levels.

3. Knowledgeable

Common man identified as Middle class is

more knowledgeable than poor in the society.

They have sufficient knowledge to keep the

povery away from them. But not sufficient to

Economics Basics that every citizen should know

become a leader or a capitalist.

4. Poor in knowledge.

Poverty is the result of poor knowledge.

Exccept the Men-of-knowledge, every one is

chasing Wealth.

More knowledgeable corner most of the

wealth. That leaves those with very little to

no significant knowledge, to be pushed into

poverty, slavery and deprivation.

To Grow upwards, in the society, one needs to

acquire knowledge. So, the reader must know

all about knowledge.



1. Anatomy of Economics

2. Grouping People

Differentiated by their


*People with Highest knowledge.

(But not part of an Economic System)

Those are, very few in every society with highest

knowledge But are not part of the Economic

System for the reason that they are not in the

race to corner the nation’s wealth.

They pursue the highest knowledge. The

knowledge of everything that is beyond the

Sense perceptible world.

Thus, our discussion is limited to four class

of people, that are described in the following




Economics Basics that every citizen should know

Four dominant animal minds

taking part In Economy


Not any two people are same in any aspect. But

yet, the entire society can be grouped into a

few based on one or the other aspect of life.

The reader may not dispute the fact that “it

is the knowledge that decide one’s poverty

and affluence”. The success and failure in our

pursuits is largely determined by the extent of

knowledge of the individual.

(Ideal Education system is expected impart

students the processes involved in acquiring

ability to Learn & Think, that is required for one’s

life needs. Needs of the People are varied and

1. Anatomy of Economics

the situation of each individual is also different.

The worst is that every individual has different

extent of abilities to Learning & Thinking.

The world of humans can be divided in various

ways to understand and help them. I have chosen

to divide humanity, broadly into four. The

division is based on the four animal character

that form the dominant part of Human mind.

(Read the e-book: The Mind of Man, An Animal

Farm) for a detailed discussion).

The four are :

(1) The Common man with Donkey Dominant


They form the bulk of the members of any


People with the Lowest ability in the society

to Learn & Think.

They are, for generations, born and live


They depend on others for decisions and

others depend on their for actions.






A small group of people from among the

common man have significantly larger

proportion of Right knowledge with higher

knowledge levels than the rest of them who

are known to the world as poor..

Economics Basics that every citizen should know

These people have sufficient learning &

thinking skills that they can save themselves

from poverty and slavery.

They managed get some to some small share

of the nation’s wealth due to them that would

provide them the basic necessities of life.

(3) Fox Dominant Minds:

Characterized by higher knowledge levels.

Higher capabilities in learning & thinking

than the above two groups of people.

Fox, do not hunt their food. Runs along with

the lions and enjoys a small share of lion’s


Fox-minded people, do not produce or

distribute products among consumers. They

work along with Capitalist and enjoy a share

of the profits made by Capitalist.

Greater levels of knowledge than the two

groups discussed above, but they are largely


(4) Lion dominant mind - among people. Who

have the highest knowledge in the society.

Like the Fox-minded people, they neither

produce not distribute.

They use their right knowledge to combine

both human and natural resources and

Produces wealth. They share the wealth with

Foxes and deprive the common man of their

1. Anatomy of Economics


For both Foxes and Lions, the common man is

merely a resource.

We will examine how these four groups contribute

to the economy and how the dynamics of their

knowledge impact the society.


Economics Basics that every citizen should know

1. People with

Lowest knowledge levels


• Learning, the first step to knowledge,

is repulsive for them. Fond of fun and


• That makes the poor to choose tasks that

require mostly Physical tasks that are tough

and tiring, high risk. Typically the Farmers,

artisans, drivers, porters, street vendors,

construction workers belong to this group..

• They are the most exploited in societies

and their due share of their society’s wealth

robbed by other three group of people.

• They Live always in the edge of the life and

the mostly the victims of nature’s fury.

1. Anatomy of Economics

• They are paid wages, when there is a work

to do. Any small subsidy on food, who cannot

afford to buy is decried as Anti-Economic

measure by Elite in the society.

• The poor, have the following weaknesses.

(A) Alcoholic drinks, There had been no

elections in India without a liberal supply of

liquor to poor.

(B) Give Undue importance they give to Caste

system. They Kill and get killed for Caste.

(C) They have leaders for every life

situations. One for Caste, another for

profession. And the list is endless They

follow their leader blindly. Here they can be

compared to Cattle.

(D) Film hero, playing pro-poor become

leaders in real life for them. They will never

realize that there are many people behind

the scene (such as story and script writers,

directors) who make what a hero looks on

screen. Many actors starts a second career

as political leaders, after their film career


(E) Ability to Remember - Insignificant. (The

leaders bank on poor for their survival)

(F) Take active part in political activities such

as public meetings, agitation,

(G) They are involved in all kinds of politial

violence. They are both perpetrators and

Economics Basics that every citizen should know


(H) They have very high imagination.

Imagination is a Power. Combined with the

power of thinking, it can make one strong

and successful. In the absence of thinking

abilities, it is a terrible weakness.

This power of imagination, is misused by

Leaders into making them imagine their

saviour. The capitalist make poor believe

that they delivering value for their product or

services which they really do not.

(I) The election seasons are favourable to

them when when they enjoy free flow of

money, liquor and food.

(J) They can be easily provoked using ethnic,

linguistic, caste and communal issues.

• They emulate Goats. Goats trusts a Butcher

rather than their well wishes.

Entertainment for people of this group!

Entertainment has a close relation to one’s

ability to learn & think (Knowledge).

Movies are produced to meet various sections

of the society. The movies for the poor would

have a formula-mix.

• Unrealistic Fighting sequences.

• Glamour and Dance sequence with least

dressed woman.

• Slapstick Comedy,

1. Anatomy of Economics

• Dialogues with double meaning.

• Hero playing a saviour of poor, promising to

eliminate poverty.

• An Old actor playing hero role, help the poor

& dance with girls rich and beautiful.

There need not be any story or a message in a

movie. Essentially, there shall be no aspect that

calls for “thinking” .

Criminals among the poor?

Evil People among the class Leaders use the

ignorance of the poor to commit crimes for

their monetary and political gains and shield

them from punishments.

This gives birth to a sub-class among the poor

who takes Crime as a profession.

The notorious among them are known

as Rowdy-sheeters. Paid-killers, drug

peddlers and extortionists are part of Crime


The Poor, (when Grow in

Knowledge), become .............

Every one grows with time. Some grow more with

additional efforts and compelling situations.

The growth include their growth in knowledge

that changes their way of life, in social and

economic dimensions. The knowledge that

grows could be either the Right Knowledge, or the Wrong knowledge or both.


Economics Basics that every citizen should know

(1) Those ambitious and with reasonable

effort become learning enabled. With that they

achieve growth in right knowledge. Such people

seek Education for their growth in economic and

social status.

They become a middle class through education

and employment to white collar jobs.

(2) Those ambitious among the poor, with

muscle power and “mind block” that prevent

them Learning, seeks to become a leader.

Running enterprises, small or big is not a natural

choice of the poor. Running enterprises call

for lesser Wrong knowledge and larger Right


2. Moderate to low knowledge levels



1. Anatomy of Economics

Then comes the middle class, with a

substantially higher level of knowledge that

the poor in a society.

• This group of people have, in their knowledge

content, lesser proportion of wrong

Knowledge than the Right- Knowledge.

• That largely Right knowledge ensure them

freedom from poverty and slavery.

• They typically work in the society as teachers,

professors, clerks accountants managers in

government and private enterprises, doctors,

engineers, supervisors scientists Pilots,

• They know so much, not to trust or follow any


• Typical Middle class do not get anywhere

near political parties in their meetings, party

sponsored agitation,

• Trust worthy among middle class are hired by

leaders to complement their short coming

in their Learning & thinking as legal advisors,

personal advisors,

• Typically leaders do not count the middle for

any role in the party politics.

• This class of people are fit for work involving

Letters & Numbers, Logical thinking,

Planning and almost anything that does not

involve physical efforts.

• Though paid low in the society, next only to

Poor, they ensure that have a roof over their


Economics Basics that every citizen should know

head, three time meal and education for their


• They are the wealthiest among common man.

There are people feeling insecure and fear

being pushed to poverty. They save for their

furture. So the business enterprises devises

techniques to rob them of their savings.


Entertainment is an indicator of the Learning &

thinking capabilities of members of the select

group of people.

The second largest group of people in most

societies are the middle class. These people: