Ask About Gold by Michael E. Ruge - HTML preview

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How to Wean Off Your Addiction to Paper Money


Trading all of your fiat money in for 24 Karat Bars of gold may seem like a big decision – and it is! It may also seem like the wrong decision. This is because all of us have been conditioned since birth to accept fiat currency in everyday trade. Yet if you’ve read this far into your book, then you already know that using the fiat currencies we all grew up using will no longer be an option very soon. So, if you still haven’t taken action, we’ll walk you through how to wean yourself off of your addiction to paper money.


First, you need to admit that you have a problem. You’re still holding on to your paper money, aren’t you? Yet you do know that it’s consistently losing value, even as you read this, don’t you? So, what is your plan when all your paper money that you’ve worked so hard for your entire life is no longer accepted for day-to-day transactions?

Now, think about the other investments that you’ve made using your paper money. Do you have any long-term investments with fiat currency, such as a retirement fund? With the rate of inflation rapidly approaching critical mass, what do you think that fiat currency will be worth by the time you get to it?


Don’t panic, everything is going to be all right – as long as you diversify your future investments. If you have learned anything throughout the course of this book, it’s that gold is one of the smartest long-term investments anyone can make. This was true hundreds of years ago, yet today, your financial life may depend on it.

By assessing the facts in this book in order to make a logical decision for your financial future instead of embracing your dirty habit of clinging to a fiat currency which may no longer exist in just a short while, you will be well on your way to recovery. And you know what? You’ll be a much happier person when you break your addiction.
