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Determining the Best Investment


Much like the economic collapse that inspired the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference of 1944, it’s clear that the world economy is in desperate need of a new game plan.

The UN’s meeting in 1944 established the Brenton Woods System, which allowed forty-four of the world’s countries to settle their debt in US dollars and backing the currencies of those countries with the US dollar. This was under the pretext that America was the country with the strongest economy at the time and that the US dollar was backed up by the gold standard.


Bretton Woods Conference

Today, neither of those things are true. Since President Nixon repealed the gold standard in 1971, all of the world’s currency has been nothing but paper and ink; its only value derived from the fact that you and the person who’s selling something to you both agree on the value of a piece of paper.

For those who have all of their finances stored away in a long-term investment, like an IRA retirement fund, what will that money be worth in 40, 20, or even just 10 years from now? All of the world’s leading economists are in agreement that a global economic collapse is imminent, and the fact that the value of the US dollar – once the strongest currency in the world – decreasing year after year, has many wealthy investors pulling the plug on their long-term investments, including blue chip stocks.

With the steady decline of the value of the US dollar, all of the interest your money is accumulating will be worth next to nothing by the time you’re able to touch it. Even at best, most exclusive rates available at any bank won’t mean a thing if in 2025  you need a $1000. bill just to pay for parking at the bank.


Okay, maybe it’s a little excessive, although parking will surely be in short supply by 2025. The predicted rate of inflation in the US is 3% in 2020, however, the predicted value of the dollar by 2020 is set 72% of what it is worth today. This is a study conducted using 42 years of historic research, which gives us alarming awakening that backs up all of the ominous predictions.

With the world economy in such a volatile state, a prolific metamorphosis in the way that our civilization views currency is well underway. Realizing this, investors are cashing in all of their assets and investing in the one thing that has steadily increased in all global markets year after year – gold.


Bretton Woods Agreement