Ask About Gold by Michael E. Ruge - HTML preview

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The Future of Gold


As we have seen throughout the course of this book, gold is easily the most diverse and useful metal in known existence. While some look at the history of gold and say that it is nothing more than a relic, in today’s time of economic distress, the gold of the future may save those of us who take action.


value of gold has shown us that inflation will not be an issue. The small denominations of gold valued at the equivalent of around one US dollar has shown us that using gold for day-to-day business transactions will not be an issue. The security features and free bank accounts available for these modern gold currencies has shown us that convenience of use will not be an issue. With the world’s economy in such shabby shape, hopefully, we can learn from history and turn to gold as our saving grace in the future.


Gold collectibles of the future have arrived in the form of limited edition mint currencies. The KaratBars, for example, released several variations of their gold-based currency in the form of country maps, event cards, cards featuring famous icons, and more. Realizing the potential for the KaratBar as a popular new currency with a stable value, having one of these rare collector’s

KaratBars during the birth and growth of the currency could be one of the smartest investments available in today’s economy. You can find out more at .


As many economists, such as Jim Rickards will tell you, the sooner you can stop your addiction to paper money and invest in a routine of using the world’s next currency, the better off you’ll be in the future. While the rest of the world is panicking in the streets during the imminent global economic collapse, you’ll be out shopping for groceries with your new gold currency.

Thank you for reading.


Please take action and protect yourself and your family.

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~Michael E. Ruge