Economics Of Nobel Laureates - Revised by VT Naidu - HTML preview

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Chapter - 9


1. Hicks      (1904 – 89)

Hicks was known to many students of Economics in India , through his works, especially value and capital. His works include. The theory of Wages , Value and Capital, Revision of Demand Theory, Trade Cycles, Critical Essays in Monetary Theory, Crises in Keynesean Economics, Capital And Growth and Wealth and Welfare. He visited India in 1960’s and addressed students at the Delhi school of Economics and after the Nobel award , he again came to India in the 90’s and addressed Indian students at interior places like Kavali in Andhra Pradesh



2. Samuelson (1915 – 2009)

Every student of Economics, in India knew Samuelson through his classic text book Economics. For more than 50 years his book has served as a standard text book in class rooms of India and abroad. He was an apostle of pure theory, which is testified by his doctoral dissertation Foundations of Economics and his papers. His papers are collected and edited by Joseph Stiglitz Robert Merton and Nagatani and published in several volumes. Samuelson trained many economists who received the Nobel Prize later on, and inspired many other eminent economists. His life was long and his contributions are long lasting.