Path to Mortgage Freedom in 10 Years by Huong Luu - HTML preview

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What does Project 100-10-10 means?

A: Project 100-10-10 is an initiative to help 100 families become mortgage-free in 10 years by implementing our GLAD method within 10 months. Our end goal is to help 1,000,000 families become mortgage-free.

Q: Am I too old to participate in Project 100-10-10?

A: This project isn’t based on your age; rather, it’s based on the time left on your mortgage. If you only have a few years left, then most likely, Project 100-10- 10 won’t benefit you. (As a side note, what are you going to do when you become mortgage-free?)

Q: I only make $50k a year. How realistic is it for me to pay off my mortgage in 10 years?

A: A combination of GLAD may work. We would only know once we get some more information from you and see the whole picture. If you have a high mortgage amount, the changes are slim. But this is where creative ideas and combining heads with real estate investors could help.

Q: I’m already 20 years into my mortgage and I only have five years left. Should I still participate in Project 100-10-10?

A: Congratulations on getting to this point. Most likely by now, the majority of your monthly payments are going towards the principal and very little going toward the interest. While joining this program at this point may not be of great benefit to you, we may be able to take a year or two off your mortgage.

Q: Are there any fees associated this project?

A: No, there are no fees to be a part of Project 100-10–10. Unfortunately, we can only take on 100 families. This means we won’t be able to service the majority of the families’ that submit an application to Project 100- 10-10.

Q: Do you release any personal information to the public?

A: No. We won’t release any of your personal or private information to the public without your consent. However, with your consent, we will use your data for research purposes to help us monitor and improve the project.

Q: What if I fail to pay off my mortgage in 10 years?

A: That is possible. The advice we give you will be based on the current profile you have. Your situation might change from the life curveballs in the next 10 years. However, as long as you follow our tips, this book will give you the principal to help you get back on track and become mortgage-free in 10 years.

Q: How do I participate in Project 100-10-10?

A: To be part of Project 100-10-10, visit our website to get more information and access to the on-line application form.

Q: What’s your motivation for launching Project 100- 10-10?

A: There are a few reasons for us to do this project. We’re doing this as a way of giving back to the community. Over the years, we’ve received a great deal of help from other investors and professionals. This project is our way of sharing the information. Project 100-10-10 is also a great way for us to get our names out into the real estate market, with the hopes of meeting you in person for a real estate deal or coaching.

Please don’t hesitate to visit our website ( to do a search on these questions.