Poverty Line. Poverty is Not Natural by Natarajan Nagarethinam - HTML preview

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Chapter 6




To shelve poverty that relentlessly follow them, poor should know all about money.

Everyone wants money. Very few gets it easily. For many it is a hard and long chase. Some steal others money in various ways and that is the easiest way to money. Some takes bribe to do their job. There are several loopholes in law, the long judicial processes, corrupt officials practices that is favourable to fraudsters enable a person to dispossess others of their earning and still escape from law.

Example: Some legal battles that is common in India:

A company bought a land to start a software company. The neighbour initiated a case without any document or proof of trespassing into their land.

One of the lawyer suggested the director of the company to come to negotiation. (for what, Why??). The litigants wanted to grab a part of the land.

After some six months and several hearing the case was dismissed for the reason both parties did not provide the proof!!! The company owners provided all the required documents.

The judge should not have accepted the case without valid proof of a case. Thus the court acted as a weapon of Extraction.

The essence is, some one files a false litigation without any proof for his complaint and it takes six months to dismiss the case.

If there is penalty to false complaint, including jail term, how many would dare misuse the courts for gains?

Even after 65 years, the legal system is not brought at par with developed world. The reason could be that most of the political leaders at every level, have a criminal back ground.

When the loop-holes are plugged, perjury applied, most courts in India will be redundant.

The good people among the lawyers tell you that such false litigations are common. Here the legal system is used as a weapon of extraction.

There are several cases of One forges a document, occupy others property and enjoys for several years. The original owner seeks to legal forum.

Finally the court dismisses the case after a few years.

The culprit appeals and another four five years pass and enjoys the possession of others wealth.

Finally, when the court pass the judgement there is no penalty or punishment to the culprit. (One has spend a fortune and initiate another fresh case for another decade) . Thus the criminals and legal profession also thrive leaving the honest citizen suffer.

More about Money

Money normally represent a real product or a real service.

But a few own too huge wealth through Pseudo products The money received without delivering any tangible product that is useful to any one in the society.

Rich and super rich produce Pseudo products.

Stocks. Mutual funds , debentures, insurance and in general, financial products are all pseudo products.

Everyone born into this world desires to live long and lead a comfortable life. That calls for various products and services to consume, throughout their lifetime.

The people seek to invest their earnings as a savings for future money needs. The pseudo financial products are invented to make the thinking disabled middle class, poorer.

Those who invest in who exchange money for pseudo products for higher returns. Most speculative products leave the majority poor.

  • While this products are heavily advertised it accompanies a warning that the returns on investment depends on market conditions.
  • There is no intrinsic value for the products. There are a few financial institutions who change the prices of these products in a planned way like any other gambling.