Poverty Line by N.நடராஜன் - HTML preview

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Chapter 5

People waiting to make you poor


Let us examine some of the transactions that makes us poor but we are not conscious of it. The list is long and never ending.

1.  MRP Label: There are several instances when we are over charged for a product several times the targeted price. We are made to believe that the  price tag is sacrosanct. We pay the price with our ignorance on the product and value.

A friend went to an electronics store and bought  Bluetooth speaker for Rs 700 where as the price tag read Rs 1900.

In shops when they declare annual sale of, say readymade dress and shoes, often a new price tag with a higher price replaces the normal one.

 We can conclude that Poor is some one who gains from others less and lose to others more.

2. The wheat flour made by Corporate and MNC are sold in the market. While large stores sell at MRP , the same is available at nearly 30% less at the local Marwari grocery shop.  Thus most products are heavily priced. There are many such products over priced.

3. Some Corporate  run  supermarkets in Bangalore label vegetable prices to mislead the customer. While majority of items bear price per kilo gram some mention price per half Kilogram. Many are mislead to believe the cost to be the price for one kilogram.

There are people who profit by insurance by faking accidents, often with the connivance of the officials.

5. Many builders take large sums as maintenance deposit (unsecured) returnable after three years. Manage to bribe management committee officials and manage to retain it for several years.