The 7 Deadly Sins of FOREX - and how to Avoid Them by Marc Low - HTML preview

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Hopefully this book has served to illuminate some of the more common pitfalls experienced by traders, especially those experimenting with FOREX. Investing is a serious but rewarding business, and deserves both your interest and respect. Master it, and a world of financial opportunity awaits; fall victim to it, and there are few things more frustrating.

Remember that there is no substitute for knowledge and practice. Educate yourself. Find a system which makes sense to you, not because someone told you it does, but because it resonates with your body of knowledge. And finally, find a mentor, someone who is willing to impart the knowledge and wisdom which made them successful.

Above all, remember that success will be measured in years, not weeks. There is always another trade out there.


“There are old traders around, and there are bold traders around, but there are no old, bold traders around.”


Bob Dinda 25 The 7 Deadly Sins Of FOREX (And How To Avoid Them)