Let me tell you that selling Moment-O-Meter is the last thing you want to do. The known traditional marketing strategy suggests to spend a lot of money to expose Moment-O-Meter to millions of potential buyers (anyone driving a car, truck, SUV, etc.) and we would for sure spend lot of time that we don’t have and money that we could spend otherwise. That’s not what we need to do. Instead, you would help all of us to email this e-book just to seven people listed in your phone book with a candid message something like this:
IjustwantedtotellyouthatInowuse a Moment-OMeterwhenIdrivemycarandsave upto50%fuel. Iattachafree“ebook”foryou toreadandalsoencourageyoutovisitthe Moment-OMeter'swebsiteasitisnotsoldin storesyet:www.PatriotsDriveEfficiently.com Alltogetherwecanbepartofendingthe foreignoildependencyandspendthesavings of ourhardearnedmoneyonourselves. Dad.