Warren Buffett Predicts the Future by Bill Murphy Jr. - HTML preview

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Download the book in PDF, ePub, Kindle for a complete version.



During the nine years I’ve been writing for Inc.com, I’ve often written about Warren Buffett.

This book is a collection of some of my favorite columns about the Oracle of Omaha. I’m reprinting them here in a very short (100 page) format, because it’s so easy for older columns to get lost on the Internet, never to be read again.

(I’ve formatted this expecting most people will read it quickly on their phones.)

If you’re an investor, or a fan of Buffett, or a younger person who is just realizing the simple genius of Buffett for the first time, I hope you’ll find this interesting and useful.

This is the very first, “preview” edition of this Ubook.TM As Reid Hoffman, co- founder of LinkedIn, used to say: “If you're not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you've launched too late.”

So, I’m sure a few people will find a typo or two here or there. Maybe some readers like you will come up with good ideas about how to improve this book for the next go-round – or even suggest other topics to write about.

That’s great. I’d love to hear your ideas. Again, you can submit them easily via email at:
