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Wedding Cake At A Discount

The wedding cake is one of the most important aspects of the wedding reception. The cake will adorn the main table, and guests should marvel at its beauty. The cake will feature prominently in photos of the reception, and it will be the main attraction when the bride and groom cut the cake.

The cake should not only be visually stunning, but it should taste great. Many bakeries focus so much on making beautiful wedding cakes that they seem to forget that the cake will be eaten! You should visit a number of different bakeries, not only to get quotes and look at samples, but also to taste some of their wares. Most bakeries will be willing to give you a taste testing if you call in advance.

Be sure to choose a cake that will appeal to both the bride and groom, not only in appearance, but also flavour. The bride and groom should agree on the type of cake they would like to have, but the bride usually has the final say.

In some cases, there is also a groom’s cake. If there is to be both a bride’s cake and a groom’s cake, they can either choose both together, or they can each choose one separately.
Remember, though, the cake that is usually cut together is the bride’s cake, and it should be larger and fancier than the groom’s cake. Sometimes you may be able to get a good deal on a cake by allowing the bakery to give you the cake they choose. Many bakers love to get especially creative, and they are sometimes willing to give you a discount if they can create a cake based on their own vision. These types of cakes are fantastic for their portfolio, and it’s rare when they are given free rein to create whatever they want.

Often, a cake that is simply decorated will be cheaper than a cake that requires many hours of work. In that same vein, cakes that are iced in butter cream frosting tend to be less expensive than cakes iced with fondant.

Simple cakes with few fillings will be less labor intensive and therefore cheaper than cakes with special flavors and fillings. Call local bakeries in your area and get price estimates for the number of guests you are having.

More couples are deciding to have smaller, simpler cakes these days. Some couples are letting their parents bake simple cakes for the wedding. It certainly saves money, but it can be disastrous if the cakes don’t turn out well. If you’re going to allow a relative to bake your cake, be certain they know what they are doing!
A wedding cake can cost several hundred dollars, so it’s important to try to save money when you can. Just remember that the cake is one part of the wedding that will be preserved on film, and you want it to be something you will be proud of for the rest of your lives.

Money Saving Tip:


Often, grocery store bakeries will also create wedding cakes at a far cheaper price than local bakeries.