Western Economic Education & Poverty in Third World by N. Natarajan - HTML preview

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Chapter 5

Flaw in Economic Theories

(3) Nation’s wealth share,Denied to common man


The wealth of a nation’s belong to its citizen.

Sadly, the politico-economic in the countries that were ruled by invaders, continue treating the wealth of the nation as belonging to the ruling class and a small bunch of people around them.

Zamindars, Old & New

In colonial days, the Rulers and the small bunch of people (called the Zamindars) who aided and abetted them in their economicrimes, were sharing the wealth of the nation.

After the colonies were freed by the invaders, the Zamindari system was abolished. But a new class of zamindars emerged. They are the corporates, who come with very little capital soon, to spread their influence in every sector of economy.

They have the unchecked access to nation’s wealth. It is they who control not only the economic nerve of the economy, but virtually run the country through their proxy as Leaders.

In the new dispensation, the new Zamindars play the rulers role and leaders playing Zamindars.

Leaders help Capitalists to create and move the wealth out of every society.

It will be explained under Globalisation. The ultimate game of the Crooks!