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"101 Facts About the Human Body" by Radhika Venkata

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Health and Related Topics

Is sun light enough for your daily dose of Vitamin


Many doctors advise their patients to get at least five to ten minutes of

sunlight if they are light skinned, and thirty to sixty minutes if they are dark

skinned people, every day.

Sunlight stimulates the Vitamin D synthesis in the skin and most people may

get enough vitamin D from this source with that amount of exposure.

But, people are afraid of getting skin cancers through exposure to the ultra-

violet rays from the sun.

Vitamin D is very essential for strong bone development. New research says

that Vitamin D helps to prevent cancer. It is sometimes called the 'sunshine


People from cold areas like Alaska and northern Canada, who see less

sunshine, probably won't get enough vitamin D because of less exposure to

the sun.

Exposure to the sun without sun screen for 30 minutes can synthesize

approximately 10,000 to 20,000 IU of vitamin D in the skin. This is more

than adequate when compared to the daily requirement.

But, you should always use an appropriate sunscreen preparation when you

are in the sun.

Each person needs 400 to 600 IU (International Unit) of vitamin D through

their diet per day and 800 or more IU/day if sun exposure is inadequate.

Some people that cannot get their Vitamin D requirement from the sun, use

vitamin D supplements like cod liver oil or vitamin tablets.

You should consult your doctor or pharmacist for advice about what might be

the most appropriate ways for you to ensure that you get the Vitamin D

which your body requires.

Should you take water soluble vitamins every day?

Your body needs vitamins every day for body metabolism, cell growth and

cell repair. You just need them in minute quantities, but they have an


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essential role in your body's health.

Vitamin A is needed for good vision

Vitamin B helps respiration, building red blood cells and normal activity

of your nervous system

Vitamin C can assist the healing of damaged tissues

Vitamin D is believed important for maintaining the strength of your


Vitamins are divided into two groups:

Fat soluble vitamins: These include the vitamins A, D, E and K. They are

soluble in fats, so they need a complex mechanism for absorption in the

small intestine. Once they are absorbed into the body, they can be stored in

the body organs like your liver. A healthy human body can use fat-soluble

vitamins it has stored for a few days if fresh supplies are limited, so a daily

supply is not essential.

Water soluble vitamins: These include the Vitamin B-Complex; includes

Thiamine(B1), Riboflavin(B2), Niacin(B3), Pantothenic acid(B5),

Pyridoxine(B6), Biotin(B7), Folic acid(B9) and Cobalamin(B12), and Vitamin


These are soluble in water, so they are easily absorbed in the small intestine.

They cannot be stored in the body; you need to get a supply of these

vitamins every day.

So kids, ask your mother to give you green vegetables, liver, meat and citrus

fruits for a good supply of the B-complex group of vitamins and vitamin C.

You can get fat-soluble vitamins from carrots, eggs, dairy products, liver and

green vegetables.

Consuming too much of some vitamins, maybe in the form of supplements,

can be risky so always check with your doctor before adding supplements to

your diet to ensure that you really need them.

Why is cigarette smoking bad?

Cigarettes contain substances, including nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide


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that will damage our health.

Nicotine is an addictive compound which causes damage to the cilia in the

respiratory tract. These cilia and the mucus in that area are vital for trapping

dust particles and germs so they don’t get to our lungs.

People that have damaged cilia get frequent lung infections.

Nicotine raises our blood pressure and also increases our risk of getting

osteoporosis which causes our bones to become brittle and fracture very


Tar damages the lung tissue and is a cause of lung cancer.

Carbon monoxide binds with the haemoglobin in our blood and reduces the

amount of oxygen which it can carry. So, smokers can become short of

breath from only a small level of activity and find more strenuous exercise

much more demanding.

Is sneezing a good thing?

Yes, it is. When the mucosa in your nose gets irritated by strong smell, pollen

or dust etc., you sneeze to get rid of whatever irritating things landed on the

nasal mucosa.

This is a simple protective mechanism to get rid of foreign bodies from there.

How we sneeze: When our nasal mucosa gets irritated, it sends signals to

the brain stem through the sensory nerves of your Trigeminal nerve.

The brain stem tells the muscles of the face, chest and diaphragm to


First, you inhale deeply, and then push the air out with force through your

nose. This pushes the irritating substance from the nasal mucosa.

You might expel air at a speed up to 160 miles per hour from your nose

when you sneeze. Your body may vibrate and your eyes close while you are

sneezing to reduce any bad effects of that rush of air.

But remember to always cover your nose when you sneeze! People who have

a cold, fever or a viral infection push germs into other people’s faces when

they sneeze.


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Covering your nose is safer, and it’s also good manners!

Are Hiccups dangerous?

There is a big, flat muscle called the 'diaphragm' below the lungs and heart

which separates the chest from the abdomen.

The diaphragm is very important in our breathing. It contracts to increase

the space in the thorax (chest) and reduces the pressure in the thorax so

that air is sucked into the lungs. This is called 'inspiration'.

When the diaphragm relaxes, it pushes itself upwards so the space in the

thoracic cavity decreases and the air in the lungs is pushed out. This is called


If the diaphragm is irritated by a full stomach or for any other reason, it

contracts suddenly and air rushes into the lungs. While this ‘inspiration’ is

happening, the epiglottis (an elastic flap of cartilage that acts as a lid over

our windpipe when we are swallowing) closes suddenly.

The expelled air strikes the epiglottis surface and produces the 'Hic' sound in

our hiccups.


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These hiccups usually go away in a few minutes. If they are still there for,

say, more than 48 hours, get further advice from your doctor.

Why do you get Vaccinations (shots) from your


Vaccinations are injections against common diseases that people can get.

Different vaccinations will protect us against particular diseases.

When we get an infection, our body fights against it and gets rid of it by

producing a protein substance in our blood (called an 'antibody') that fights

against the germ protein (an antigen).

If we are infected by the same type of germ later on, our body remembers it

from the earlier infection and stops further spread. (See the question; ‘How

germs are killed in our body? ')

But, this does not happen with some infections which are more dangerous.

So, scientists produce antibodies in laboratories against these germs that can

be safely injected into us before we have that first attack.

Cool, huh?

You should be thankful to Dr. Edward Jenner, the British physician who

discovered a vaccine against 'smallpox', which was once a deadly disease.

Why is Cancer compared to a


What is cancer? Cancer is when a normal cell

changes to an abnormal cell and grows in the

body to be a mass of cells.

Why is cancer is compared to a crab? Because

of the way that a crab moves.

When you go to the beach, look for a crab

under the rocks. You will see that it moves

sideways because of the way that its leg joints

are arranged and its tough exoskeleton.

When a crab moves fast, it looks like it is


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moving in all directions at once!

That is like the way that cancer

moves (spreads) through someone’s

body; in all directions.

Also, 'carcinos' means crab in Greek

and carcinos is a type of cancer.


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Men, Women and Related Topics

Why are men affected by baldness more than women?

Usually, men will show signs of baldness after the age of 30. Their hair line

slowly recedes as they lose some hair. There are both genetic and hormonal

reasons which play a role in male pattern baldness.

Men have hormones called 'androgens', including 'dihydrotestosterone'.

Dihydrotestosterone is responsible for male-type baldness.

There will be thinning of a woman’s hair as she ages but it will not be like

typical male pattern baldness.

Do men have a uterus (the sac that holds a

developing baby)?

Yes, all males have a rudimentary uterus called the 'prostatic utricle' near the

prostate, but it is really just a small sac that is not any use.

When the fetus develops normally in the mother's belly, its organs develop

slowly as the fetus approaches full term.

In a female baby, the uterus and the fallopian tubes develop from a tube-like

structure called the 'paramesonephric duct'.

With male babies, most of this duct disappears because of the hormonal

influence. But, both ends of the paramesonephric duct remain as small,

useless sac-like structures.


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Paramesonephric duct - Part of it is like the uterus in a woman.

The end part of the duct will become a non-working, small sac-like structure

attached to the prostate and called the 'prostatic utricle'. It is only

rudimentary and equivalent to the uterus in a female.

The beginning part of the paramesonephric duct becomes another small sac-

like structure attached to the testes.

What determines the sex of a person?

A baby is conceived after the fertilization of an ovum from the mother by a

sperm from the father. When the sperm fertilizes the ovum, a zygote

(fertilized cell with two sets of chromosomes) is formed. This zygote gets

chromosomes from both the ovum and the sperm.

All ova only have X chromosomes, but sperm can have either X or Y

chromosomes. A baby always gets one X from the mother. The baby's sex

depends on whether the sperm which fertilizes the ovum has X chromosomes

(so it will become a female) or Y chromosomes (so it will become a male).


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Why are children’s and women’s voices

softer than males?

Our voice is produced by the 'larynx' which

is part of the trachea (wind pipe). It has

two thin membranes called 'Vocal cords'.

These vocal cords are protected by the

cartilages that form the 'Adam's apple' in

the neck.

When the air from the lungs is pushed

against the closed vocal cords, they

vibrate in a rhythmic manner to produce

the sound. This sound is converted to

actual words and speech by our pharynx,

larynx and the oral cavity (space behind our lips).

The vocal cords are controlled by the laryngeal muscles which open, close

and alter the length of the vocal cords which affects the loudness and pitch of

the sound produced.

Children and women have thinner and shorter vocal cords which vibrate more

when compared to the thick and long vocal cords of men. The more

vibrations; the sweeter the voice. After puberty, a boy's voice changes as his


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vocal cords become thicker and longer.

Can some diseases affect only boys and men?

Yes, there are some diseases that can only be seen in the male population.

When a baby is born, it gets genes from both parents. The sex of the baby is

determined by the 'Y chromosome' from the father.

In the picture, the mother has two sex chromosomes (X and X). The father

has two sex chromosomes (X and Y).

The mother produces ovum that carry only X chromosomes.

The father produces sperm that may carry either X chromosomes or Y


If an ovum (all X chromosomes) combines with an 'X' sperm, the baby will be

a girl.

If an ovum combines with a 'Y' sperm, the baby will be a boy.

So far, so good!

But there can be problem if the X chromosome that the boy gets has a

disease carrying gene. There is no other X gene in boys (like girls), so they

will be affected by that particular disease.


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In our example, let’s say that the mother is a carrier of the gene for the

disease hemophilia (Hemophilia is a bleeding disorder where the affected

person bleeds longer time after an injury when compared to a normal

person) on one of her X chromosomes. If she conceives a boy, there is an

approximately fifty percent chance of him getting that carrier gene and the



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Our Brain and Related Topics

Why does the brain use a larger

area for hands than our whole trunk?

When you read the question, ' Which part of the brain determines your

personality? ', you see that sensations from the whole body are received by

our parietal lobe by the 'sensory cortex' and all of our body movements are

controlled by the frontal lobe through our 'motor cortex'.

The most important feature of the 'motor cortex' is that the muscles which

make fine movements are represented by a larger area in the cortex than the

rest of the body. The whole face is represented by almost half of the motor

area. The whole trunk is represented by a much smaller area because the

muscles of the trunk only perform crude movements, unlike the face.

Our thumb and face muscles are represented by larger area than the muscles

of the trunk or the arm.

This representation is called 'motor homunculus'.


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Why cannot our brain feel pain?

Though the brain is the main center for the sensation of the pain from

different parts of the body, the brain itself doesn't have any pain receptors.

If somebody pricks you with a pin on your hand, you will feel pain. You feel

pain when you get a belly ache. Pain receptors in all other parts of the body

send signals to the brain so we feel the pain.

But, if a neurosurgeon (brain surgeon) opens up the skull and cuts the brain,

we don't feel any pain because the brain doesn't have any nerve receptors to

‘feel’ the pain.

So, why do we get headaches?

A headache comes from the blood vessels, nerves and meninges (meninges


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are the brain coverings) surrounding the brain, not from the brain itself.

These have many pain receptors.

Why can't we move our ears towards a sound like

animals do?

The outer part of the human ear gets sound waves and directs them into our

ear canal.

Animals can move their ears backwards and even upward to collect sound

waves but we can’t.

This picture shows the

three main external

ear muscles in

humans. You can see

that they are

rudimentary (not well

developed). Some

people have a little

more control of these

muscles and can

wiggle their ears a

little bit to the front

and back

independently without

any scalp or forehead


Which part of our Brain determines our personality?

People are very different in their emotions, personality and social behavior;

the so-called 'higher intellectual functions' or 'cognitive functions'.

The front part of the brain is called the 'frontal lobe'. Our frontal lobe controls

cognitive functions like:




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Social Behavior



Problem solving


Motor movements: All your body movements are controlled by the frontal

lobe through the 'motor cortex/motor area'.

Functional areas of brain: Imaginary Blue lines are drawn to show

frontal, parietal, occipital and temporal lobes separately.


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