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Using EFT


As you read through this chapter, keep in mind that the principles and techniques explained here are not widely known to the western world and as a result, they may seem strange or unusual to you. In fact, the actual procedure for using EFT looks pretty weird. If you are concerned about how you will look using EFT, then do not let anyone see you. EFT is so simple, you can conduct it safely in the privacy of your own home.

Using EFT involves four basic steps. In the first step, you identify a troubling emotion, memory, belief, such as those you identified in the tests you completed in Chapter 2. You can also use EFT with self-sabotaging behaviors. EFT works best when you are very specific about the issue you are addressing, so it is best to only address one emotion, memory, belief or behavior at a time.

In the second step you rate the level of discomfort you associate with the troubling emotion you are trying to clear. Rate this discomfort on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 representing the most intensely you could possibly feel the emotion and 1 being the lowest intensity.

In the third step you repeat a setup phrase while tapping on a specific acupuncture point. In the setup phrase, you first acknowledge that you have the troubling emotion. You follow this acknowledgment with a positive statement of self-acceptance.

In the fourth step you tap through a series of acupuncture points while repeating a short reminder phrase to keep your mind focused on the emotion you are trying to clear.

A diagram on page 58 shows the tapping points that are used with the basic EFT recipe. You may want to print out this diagram to have in front of you as you begin tapping.

You can also visit to view video tutorials that demonstrate the many ways you can use tapping for academic success.

To give you a better idea of how tapping works, I have included four tapping scripts on the following pages. These scripts are based on examples that may or may not apply to your life. I have included them to give you an idea of how to use EFT. Remember, EFT works best when you are being specific about the situation that applies to you. So use these scripts to help you get acquainted with EFT, and then modify them to suit your own needs.

I have included one script for tapping on a difficult emotion, one for tapping on a troubling memory, one for tapping on a self-limiting belief, and one for tapping on a self-sabotaging behavior. As you read through these scripts, feel free to tap along. People often experience benefits from tapping even when they are not focusing on a specific problem of their own.

But before you get started, please note that while the information I am providing here can help you to change your response to troubling environmental stimuli, people who are suffering from mental instability are not advised to use EFT on their own. If you have any inclination that you are on the verge of a mental breakdown, please seek professional help from a licensed therapist or psychiatrist. It is always important to take responsibility for your own health and well-being. EFT is a powerful tool for calming your emotions and as such, it can assist you with your personal well-being, but it is not offered as a substitute for professional medical and mental health advice and should not be perceived as such.

In addition, be aware that people who use EFT to clear uncomfortable emotions have been known to experience additional emotional turmoil as difficult, long-suppressed memories and the painful feelings associated with them can begin to surface. EFT can be used to calm the feelings that arise, though you may have to repeat the tapping rounds several times for the calming effect to be fully experienced. If you find yourself experiencing difficult emotions, please keep tapping. Eventually, the feelings that arise will subside.

If you would like to try EFT but are concerned about getting in touch with emotions that you fear may be too difficult for you to deal with on your own, consider trying EFT with the help of an EFT practitioner. You can find out more about my EFT practice by visiting my website,

If you are ready to try using EFT on your own, please read on.