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Tapping script for clearing a troubling memory


The protocol used to clear a troubling memory is similar to the one used for clearing a difficult emotion. The difference is that as you recall a troubling memory, you may experience different emotions at different moments in the memory. To insure that the troubling memory is completely cleared, you will need to do a round of tapping for each difficult emotion that is related to the memory.

Step I: Identify the memory you would like to clear. Think of the memory as a story that has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Give the story a title and be sure to write it down. Then begin to tell or write the story, stopping to tap each time a difficult emotion is triggered by an event in the story.

For this example, imagine being a second-grade student who experienced extreme humiliation while completing the assignment of reciting a poem to the class. Let’s call this story “My Second Grade Poetry Recital.” The story begins with an awareness that your turn is coming. As you write or tell your story, pay attention to the emotions that arise. Imagine remembering that as you waited for your turn to recite your poem, a feeling of anxiety began to arise. At this point stop telling the story and tap on the feeling of anxiety that you have identified.

Step II: On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the most intense and 1 being the least, rate the intensity of the anxiety you feel or remember feeling at this point in the story. Write down the number that comes to mind.

Step III: While tapping on the karate chop point, repeat the following setup statement three times:

Even though I feel this anxiety about reciting my poem to the class, I deeply and completely accept myself.

Step IV: Now tap through the remaining eight points on your face and body while repeating the reminder phrase, this anxiety about reciting my poem. Tap each point seven times or the number of times it takes you to completely say the reminder phrase.

When you have finished tapping this round, take a deep breath and notice if anything else arises. If so, tap on the feeling that has arisen. If nothing comes up for you, continue with your story. When you arrive at the next detail in the story that evokes a strong emotional response, stop, return to Step II above, and do another round of tapping. For the example story “My Second Grade Poetry Recital,” imagine the next difficult emotion to arise is a sense of shame as classmates begin to laugh while you are reciting your poem. So at this point you would stop and tap for the feeling of shame.

When you have finished telling the story and tapping for all the difficult emotions that have arisen from the story, take a deep breath and focus your attention on the title that you gave to the story at the beginning of this protocol. Notice if any difficult emotions arise. If so, tap for those emotions. Continue to tap until speaking the title of the story no longer evokes a strong emotional response in your mind or body. Then take a deep breath and make note of any feelings or sensations that arise. If you notice any discomfort, name it and then try to tap for what has arisen. If you are feeling that you need to take a break, make note of the feelings and sensations in your journal. You can always come back at a later time to tap for these feelings and sensations.