An Introduction to Learning the Chinese Language by Avril Canute - HTML preview

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In recent months, China has become big news, especially since in 2008 it held the Summer Olympics. Because of the increased interest in this country, many people are now considering that it may be important that they start to learn the Chinese language. Certainly many schools across the US and around the globe are offering students the chance to learn Mandarin Chinese instead of, say, German, French or Spanish.

There are a number of reasons as to why more and more people are considering learning Chinese. Certainly those young professionals, or those who are career minded, are starting to see the benefits to be gained from learning this language. Below are a few other reasons that are contributing to the rise of interest in learning Chinese:

1. Because China has been admitted to the WTO (World Trade Organization), this has resulted in their economy booming, and therefore people now need to interact with them on a regular basis.

2. In the US, when it comes to learning a new language, more and more people are enrolling on courses to learn Chinese. Today, the enrolment courses have reached an all time high, and a bill was introduced in the US that students at high school could be provided with Chinese language classes.

3. By being able to speak Chinese, a person will set themselves apart from others and show that they are proactive. By doing this, not only will you be able to compete with those people who have just graduated, but also you will be able to take advantage of the opportunities that will arise in the future as trade with China also increases.

4. The Chinese work force is one of the best in the world for carrying out labor intensive jobs. This results in much lower costs with regard to the products that they produce. Many of these manufacturing companies in China now employ foreigners to manage, as well as act as consultants, and also employ them as accountants. By learning Chinese, you will then help to provide a link that can be used between the various manufacturing companies in China, and American businesses.

5. Many companies are now looking to sell their products in China, and currently around 16,000 American companies are now selling their products to the Chinese. In fact, the Chinese people are hungry for consumer products, and certainly those produced abroad. It is these companies who are selling their products to China who will need those who are able to speak and write the language, in order for them to gain a foothold in this very lucrative market.

6. When it actually comes to learning Chinese, it is not as hard as you may think. Because of modern technology, the learning process can be much easier. In fact, a lot of professionals have already found that they can speak the language without actually having to learn how to write it. It is learning to write the characters which often takes up a lot of people’s time when learning this particular language. In fact, the computer can actually help you when it comes to writing the Chinese language, as there are software programs now available which will convert the English word in to Chinese, and you do not even need to change your keyboard.

By using the right approach, a person can soon find themselves speaking Chinese in a very short period of time. Learning this language or any other language can provide you with benefits that will help to advance your career in the future. But it will actually take you less time to learn this language than getting a degree or learning another skill.

Thank you for reading this report and I hope you have found it enjoyable and useful.
With best wishes, Avril