Bitcoin: King of The Coins


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Book Description HTML

Dive into the captivating world of cryptocurrency with "Bitcoin: King of the Coins." This well researched book takes readers on an illuminating journey through the chapters, exploring the ins and outs of Bitcoin and its far-reaching implications.

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Michael McNaught

Hi there! My name is Michael McNaught, a Scientist by profession and an avid technology enthusiast. I enjoy learning about new technologies and shearing my knowledge with others. I do hope you find my books creative, interesting, informative and easily understandable. Please leave a book review rating on the website of purchase, to let others know what you think of the books that you have read. Also, check out my website and follow me on fb or X for updates on new projects. If you have gained value from my free books, please consider leaving a donation. Much appreciated! Thank you for your continued support. Sincerely, Michael McNaught, M.S.

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