Creation Curriculum: The Origins of the Universe by Ryan M. Marks - HTML preview

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Lesson 10

Dinosaurs and Amazing Animals that Defy Evolution

Why is the word DINOSAUR not in the Bible?  Because it was coined in 1841 by Sir Richard Owen meaning terrible or tyrannical lizard

Why were dinosaurs’ so large? Because reptiles grow their entire lives and it is logical to conclude dinos were living 900 years or so if people were. Also, the climate was more “perfect” in the pre-flood world and had a higher oxygen content. Plus the average size of a dinosaur was that of a sheep or small pony

Why did they die off? Likely because of the short ice age and climate change following the Flood. The world was not as warm or oxygen rich. Food sources were probably more scarce. According to Cincinnti Zoo in modern times it is estimated that 7 species of animals become extinct DAILY

  • In the KJV (translated in 1611)
  • the word dragon occurs 22 times in nine different books of the Bible.
  • The words Behemoth (Job 40:15-24)
  • The Leviathan (Job 41)
  • WHALES (Gen 1:21 KJV) which in the Hebrew is tanniyn (strongs 8577) that means a marine or land monster, ie sea serpent, moster or dragon (Job 7:12) think Lockness monster.
  • CREEPING THING (Gen 1:24-25) is Hebrew remes (7431) which means a reptile that glides swiftly

Litmus test for a study Bible? What do the footnotes say about Gensis 1’s “days”? …do they try to say that the Behomth in Job was an Elephant?

Did any Dinos breathe fire as Dragons?

  • Leviathan Job 41:18-21
  • Fiery flying serpents were in the south (Egypt) Isaiah 30:6
  • Dragons Hebrew Tanniyn/m (8577) occur 22 times in KJV Psalm 148:7, Ezekiel 29:3, Isaiah 34:13, 35:7, Jeremiah 49:33, 51:37, Malachi 1:3…..


Amazing Animals that Defy Evolution

“But ask the beasts, and they will teach you; the birds of the heavens, and they will tell you; 8 or the bushes of the earth, and they will teach you; and the fish of the sea will declare to you. 9 Who among all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this? 10 In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind.

Job 12:7-10 (ESV)

Hummingbird    created on DAY 5

  • Smallest bird in nature, weighs less than 1/10 of an ounce
  • They fly backwards, forwards, sideways & hover in midair
  • Their wings beat 80 strokes per second
  • Their heart beats 1,000 times per minute
  • Their metabolism is so fast that they must feed constantly
  • Unlike most animals, the hummingbird goes into a state of hibernation ever night

Woodpecker   created on DAY 5

  • Have 2 powerful claws in front and back of each foot for anchoring to wood
  • Have a beak that is much harder than other birds
  • The scull has a ‘cushion’ between the brain and the bone so it doesn’t damage or knock its brain loose when pecking
  • Its tongue is 4x longer than its beak, is barbed & coated with a sticky substance that attracts and catches bugs
  • Its tail feather are unusually stiff to provide stability when climbing and pecking
  • Its smell and hearing are highly sensitive to hear where bugs are crawling
  • They PECK 100-600 times a minute

Giraffe     created on DAY 6

  • Has unique system to pump its blood and breathe
  • Have an extra large heart to pump blood up its long neck
  • It’s blood pumps 2x stronger than most animals
  • By the time the blood arrives at the brain, it is normal pressure
  • Since the blood pressure is so high in the rest of the body God has given the giraffe special skin to tolerate the pressure, especially in the bottom of its legs
  • There is a special series of one-way check valves up the neck to keep the blood pressure from bursting vessels as it quickly moves up toward the brain. They also keep the blood from flowing away quickly when it lowers its head to drink water.
  • Giraffes have a network of spongy tissue at the base of the brain to soakup any extra blood
  • It has extra large lungs and breathes slowly so the air has time to travel up its neck

Platypus    created on DAY 5                 THIS CREATURE PUZZLES EVOLUTIONISTS

  • Earliest recorded discovery in Australia in 1797
  • Has a BILL like a duck and HAIR like a bear
  • WEBBED FEET like an otter and a TAIL like a beaver
  • POISON like a snake
  • LAYS EGGS like a turtle yet FEEDs its young like a MAMMAL (ie mammary glands)
  • Only grows to 18 inches fully matured
  • SONAR: they have electronic sensors in their leathery 2-inch snout. While swimming at night, the sensors detect faint electric waves produced by prey shrimp/earthworm
  • Problem: evolutionists think the platypus evolved from a rat. How could a fleshy nose turn into a leathery bill? How could electronic sensors just appear where none existed? God designed ON PURPOSE every aspect of the platypus!