Eye to Eye with Your Mechanic by Marvin Ray - HTML preview

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Chapter Sixteen

The un" diagnosable car problem!

One of the worst things about having car problems is when you have a problem that no one can fix. So, let’s hear about your unsolvable car problems.

Having been  in the  auto  repair  industry  my entire life, I have to admit that there have been times I have lost sleep and pulled out my hair trying to figure out an issue on a car. I have been so taken by the problem that it dominated my  life  and  every  thought.  There  comes  a  time  it  is  a personal thing and I’m  not  going to  let  the  issue win. If I had gotten paid for the time I had spent on these problems I could  have  had  a  new  truck  every  year.  When  I  started Automotive   Diagnostic   Inc.   years   ago,   we   were   the dumping ground for cars no one else could  fix.This taught us   the   importance   of   right   diagnostic   equipment   and training.

The  first  thing  is  to  duplicate  the  problem.  Often times I  have  had to  send a customer away (which I  hate)

telling  them  to  stop  by  when  it  happens  and  I  will  drop everything to check  it out. My phrase  has always been "If you can make it do it for me I will tell you what it is." In 33 years,  I can only remember 6  that I  never was able to  fix (one  we  found  out  years  later  was  because  it  got  hit  by lightning  which  no  one  knew  about  at  the  time  we  were diagnosing   it),   but   neither   could   any   other   shop   or dealership. The only problem with that is that I have always taken pride  in  solving  the  issue.  Besides,  when you do  it makes you a better technician.

In today’s cars, there are up to 100 million lines of computer  code,  more  than  in  some  jet  fighters.  Today’s modern car  has  30  or  more  computers  that  communicate together to provide your amenities and performance;  some luxury cars have as many as 100 of these "black" boxes. So when you have car problems, think about how infuriating it is when your  laptop or desktop doesn’t do what you want and   multiply  that  by  30  "  100  times.  These  computers control hundreds of functions in a split second, from brakes to entertainment to performance. Your car includes miles of wires that are hard to  get to. Cars are so refined that every available   space   is   used   for   something   and,   trust   me, whatever you're trying to get to will have something in its way. There are times I have had to pull an entire dash just to get to a wire harness.

It  is  extremely  important  that,  if  your  car  has  an intermittent  problem,  you  seek  out  a  professional  repair shop  that  is  equipped  to  check  and  repair  these  kinds  of problems.  A  lot  of mechanics think they can find and  fix these issues, but lack the proper tools and equipment to do so, costing you more money.

The sole purpose of my middle name is so I could tell when I was really in trouble with my mom.”