Eye to Eye with Your Mechanic by Marvin Ray - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty

Technology lures women

Do  women care  about  technology  in their  cars?  Yes,  say manufacturers, and they're banking on new technology and safety features along with a healthy dose of style to appeal to women car buyers.

What is crazy to me, is because this is such a male dominated world and most men are clueless to what we, the woman, want… they still think we want the extras in order to buy a car!!

Back in the day if a car had a mirror visor, that was the  first thing a salesman would show  me when I went to buy a car. REALLY?! Really.

The Ford  marketing survey found  that  women buy 45  to  50  percent  of  all  new  cars  and  influence  up  to  80 percent   of   all   automotive   purchases.    GO    FEMALE POWER!! However, the men still don’t get it. UGH!!! Yes, we     love    the    backup     cameras,     airbags,     tale     lift technology…but so do the men.

Woman want  the  SAME  THING  as  men,  a  trust" worthy, drivable car that doesn't need a thousand dollars to fix " I want my mechanic to be able to open the hood and be  able  to  fix  the  darn  thing…without  having  to   go  to Stanford to know where the fuse box is!!!

This  is  the  problem  with  all  the  "new"  cars  out there.  The  more  dazzle,  the  more  problems  they  give  us. PERIOD.

If the  video  goes  out  in  the  back…that  means  an electrical issue; which means it is not just the video that has to be fixed. So those 6/9 months of peaceful bliss with the kids  in  the  back  watching  Disney  "  now  turns  into  an $800.00 car repair bill.

So  as  I  write  this  "  is  there  anything  we  can do about this?! No, and H#LL NO!! We can’t  seem to  make any man understand us, the woman. Through the ages, men have been the ones  to take care of the  female…Killed the dragon kind of thing.  But  now "  we kill our own dragons and  a  lot  of women bring  home  the  dragon to  cook,  and take  care  of the  men.  I  guess  until  we  get  a  female  who owns a car  manufacturing company "  the female race will just have to keep on enduring and adapting as we continue to do now.

As the men say: "It is what it is!"

Diane Ray

Keep your dreams alive: Hit the snooze button.”