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Finding Money for College Scholarships and Grants


Published by:
Charles H. Smith
P.O. Box 2225
West Columbia, SC 29171

Copyright © 2008 Charles H. Smith All rights are reserved. No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

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This report has been written to provide information about grants and scholarships. It is sold with the understanding that the author and publisher are not engaged in rendering grants and scholarships services. If grants and scholarships, or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Every effort has been made to make this report as complete and accurate as possible. However, there may be mistakes in typography or content. Also, this report contains information on grants and scholarships only up to the publishing date. Therefore, this report should be used as a guide – not as the ultimate source of enter your report's area of expertise (legal, medical, etc.) information.

The purpose of this report is to educate. The author and publisher does not warrant that the information contained in this report is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions. The author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this report.


An Introduction to Scholarships.....................................................5
Athletic Scholarships: Getting and Keeping Them ............................7
College Financial Advice And Where To Seek It Out..........................8
Financing Your Education: Coping With Financial Strain .................. 10
Help Is At Hand with Scholarship Searching Services ..................... 12
Looking Closer To Home: Institutional Scholarships ....................... 14
Low Income Families and Educational Financial Help ...................... 16
Making Your Own Destiny With Company Scholarships ................... 18
Managing Scholarship Requirements And Your Health .................... 20
Online Degrees And Scholarships: Supplementing Your Education.... 22
Passing the Test: Scholarships And The PSAT................................ 23
Scholarships And Nationality: Your Guide ..................................... 25
Scholarships for the Older Generation .......................................... 27
Scholarships, Grants and the Internet .......................................... 29
Scholarships, Grants and Your Family .......................................... 30
Showcasing Your Talents: Attracting Sponsorship .......................... 32
The Outsider: Funding For Out Of State Students .......................... 34
The Questions to Ask About Grants and Scholarships ..................... 36
The Scholarship Application and Making It Yours! .......................... 38
The Search Engine and the Scholarship: An Unhealthy Relationship . 40
The Travel Bug and How It Will Affect Scholarships ........................ 42
A Guide to Scholarship Applications ............................................. 44
Welcome to the Wonderful World of Federal Grants........................ 47
How to Write the Ultimate Grant Proposal..................................... 49
Lending A Helping Hand: The Difference Between A Hardship Loan And A Hardship Grant ...................................................................... 50
All Resources............................................................................ 52

An Introduction to Scholarships

Money does seem to make the world go round these days and that is not always a good thing for anyone looking to advance himself or herself. If you cannot afford an education then you are missing out on the chance to fulfill your own potential. This can actually have a knock on effect on the rest of the surrounding area. You may have skills that could be of great service to another and yet never have the opportunity to develop them, and that is why it is extremely important to seek out any way possible of fulfilling your potential and developing yourself to the fullest extent. That is in fact where scholarships come in!

Scholarships and grants can provide a fantastic source of financial aid for individuals who either deserve it in terms of their talent or are struggling as a result of financial hardship. In some cases, the individual actually falls under both category headings. Regardless of where they fit into the scheme of things, talented individuals that need help can get it from a scholarship or grant.

A scholarship is a financial merit-based award that a student would have to apply for. The scholarship may be a package of financial aid to help the student. It could include housing and course materials as well as tuition, or just the tuition. It may only be a percentage of the tuition. This is dependent on the terms and conditions of the scholarship itself and what it offers. It may last for an academic year or for the duration of your degree course. However, it will always have conditions attached, and this will most likely relate to your grade point average. It would have to remain above a certain level for you to qualify for the scholarship.

A grant is totally different. Again, you would have to apply for it, but it would be a one off payment that would be awarded to you for a specific purpose. It may be a specific topic you are working on would be eligible for funding and you were given a grant of a set amount to help. You may be eligible for a housing grant if your family's income level is below a certain level. Whatever the reason for the award, it is a one off payment of a set amount. Scholarships can be applied for by anyone attending an academic institution for a period of time. The application forms are usually quite extensive and can take hours to fill in properly. One slight mistake on the form could get it discarded, so the most important thing for you to do is actually read through the instructions and comply with what it is asking from you to the letter! There will literally be thousands of candidates for any scholarship so you have to be able to make your application stand out from the crowd in order to obtain the funding. It does help if you have a gift for certain ones, but the majority just want to help someone who needs the funding and stand out from the crowd.

The one rule is do not lie. If you do they will find out during the course of their investigations and considerations, and your application will immediately be rejected! Always be honest and



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show your awards and merits up in the best light possible if you want results. It may also be worth applying for several scholarships and grants at any given

time so that you are not putting your eggs in the one basket. It never hurts to have a back up, especially where college and money is concerned!

Scholarships and grants can be difficult to get to grips with if you have never had experience of them before so it is essential that you fully understand the process and concept before beginning to apply. Financing is important for college students these days so you owe it to yourself to do the best you can in terms of your application. It is your future after all!

Athletic Scholarships: Getting and Keeping Them

Athletic scholarships are much sought after amongst the students of today. They appear to be some sort of status symbol that marks them as more talented than their peers and can indeed pave the



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way for the individual to move onto bigger and better things in the
future. A good number of individuals receiving an athletic scholarship will probably go on to

become professional sports stars one day, whether playing basketball, American football, soccer or another sport such as wrestling or golf. The options are endless but to get and keep an athletic scholarship an individual student must work extremely hard. After all, there can be no bigger heartache than getting there and then losing everything you have technically earned.

Athletic scholarships are like gold dust, especially those that take the individual it was awarded to way on to the next level. It is extremely important that a good athlete maintains a certain academic and personal level in order to maintain the gift that he or she has been given. After all, it can be hard to earn an athletic scholarship in the first place. Not only does the individual have to be good at the sport of his or her choice, he or she also be getting a decent grade point average throughout his or her high school career in order to be considered. It is not that they will not be offered an athletic scholarship if their GPA is not up to scratch, they just will not be able to go to the better colleges unless it is elevated. This also applies when they are there!

Although college sports stars are just that, stars in their own right, they are not exempt from the rules of the university and have a strict code of conduct to adhere to. They need to be able to maintain good grades and keep up with midterms and papers, as well as other assignments because they can actually be suspended from their sports duties if they are not maintaining a high standard. There have been rumors in the past that the GPA of an athletics scholarship is somewhat lower than the GPAs set for other awards, but that is largely not the case at the more prestigious universities.

An athletics scholarship covers just about every expense that the



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individual athlete
would have. It includes housing, tuition, course materials and
everything else that you could think of. In truth, it gives them the easiest financial ride out of every single student on

every campus across the United States, because they bring glory for their college. It was also a practice some time ago to give them gifts such as cars to lure the star athletes away from other universities. This has since been outlawed because it is considered a bribe.

Although they will miss having a car as a present, this demonstrates how much time has altered the way that athletes on scholarships are supposed to behave. Any scandal and they are out, low grades and they are out, and any hint of drugs in their systems and they are out. It may be tough to get to the top and earn athletics scholarship, but it could be even tougher to stay there if individuals do not stick to the rules!

College Financial Advice and Where to Seek It Out

Getting through college is one of the most financially straining experiences that you will ever have during the course of your life. The expense is phenomenal and still rising, despite the fact that more and more families are falling below the poverty line. Without money though, there is no way that you could even consider going to college or staying on if you have already started, stay on there. This is unfortunately not very fair and the system does not tend to help students in need out, but there are individuals that you can go to for financial advice if you ever think you may be in need of a boost to keep you in college.

Getting a job is obviously the first step to help you get through



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college somewhat intact. Campuses often have job
websites or notice boards that you can tap into if you need money and need it quickly. There are usually various
resources of this
nature available
because it keeps any

of the jobs going in student hands rather than giving the jobs to individuals outside of the college when the need is greater elsewhere. Depending on the size of the campus, the variety of jobs may actually be extensive. Failing that, there are probably experiments going on in the psychology department that will usually pay for the pleasure of exploring your mind. For a quick fix, this will do, but what about the more long term problems of staying at college when dubitation fees and housing fees come around again?

Every good college or university will have a financial office as well as a student guidance centre. They may not be called that because they go under a variety of different guises. However, I guarantee that they will be there somewhere. If in doubt, just head to the administrative centre of your university and you will most likely find it there. If not, you will no doubt be redirected to the right place.

Guidance counselors at your college and university can be found in the student help departments and are employed for the sole reason of finding a viable solution for student problems, and money and funding often dominate their time. So many students find themselves in need of a cash injection because they live on the poverty line that the individuals employed there will most definitely know their stuff and be able to advise you far better than any individual elsewhere in the school or outside of it ever could. The guidance counselors at your school will be able to point you in the right direct for grants, scholarships, hardship loans and quick fixes that will enable you to get your head back above water again. They will also be able to provide you with information to help avoid another similar circumstance occurring as well as providing you


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with ongoing advice and support. You will
probably find shelves stacked with manual and books that could also be used to help you because they will be able to
enlighten you on the wonderful world of
scholarships and grants that are there to keep

you on course for completing your education as well as enhance your future prospects.

The majority of individuals working in such an office will be highly trained and you will probably be referred to a particular guidance counselor so you can return to him or her whenever you need help in the future. This will give you peace of mind straight away and will remove most of the strain and stress that you would most definitely be under!

Financing Your Education: Coping With Financial Strain

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Every individual on the face of the Earth has a right to an education, regardless of what certain
individuals think. In first world
countries, we are lucky enough to be able to choose whether we progress in school, and indeed how far we can progress. The options after high school are endless, with individuals being able to choose whether they go to university or college, or even go to a trade school as part of a work based training program. This, of course, is personal choice because everyone has different strengths and weaknesses, but there are certain factors that may dictate the direction we choose to head in as we embark on our journeys in the big wide world. Financial limitations and worries may be the main factor for the majority of individuals. Problems with funding may actually prevent someone who is extraordinarily talented from going to university and making the most of their potential.

However, there are solutions to this problem, which in itself has existed for centuries. Individuals have their own way of solving the problem if they do choose to make the most of their potential and head to university. Some individuals may choose to drop in and out of school when they have the cash. They may attend for three semesters and then spend a year working to build up enough funds to attend for another semester and so on. They may also choose to continue working through college to supplement any help they may get from their parents or to preserve their savings. However, this can put individuals through severe stress as the financial burden begins to tell on them and it ultimately may affect their health. There is now an easier option though.

Scholarships and grants, collectively known as financial aid, can really boost the financing that you have behind you and can make all the difference between eating and starving. A scholarship or grant can give you the funding you need to make sure that you get through college in one piece and go on to forge a successful career on the back of obtaining your degree.

There are various packages available to individual students out there and some providers actually offer several scholarships rather than just the one for students to literally fight over. There is a variety of ways or an individual to benefit from a scholarship. They come in a variety of guises, including athletic, federal and school scholarships, so you could feasibly apply for several, and that may give you a better award ratio! The award of even the smallest scholarship would enable you to avoid at least a little stress on your finances. You may still have to work through college but would have that little bit to fall back on if need be.

The main function of a scholarship is to enable an individual to make it through college unscathed. Some come out with huge debts so this is not always possible. However, at least you would have a base to work from, you could figure out a budget to stick to and work from there if you did happen to come into some money along the way. Unlikely as this scenario may ultimately turn out to be, dreaming for a little while can at least make you forget the financial burden that you may well be carrying after a while!

Help Is At Hand with Scholarship Searching Services

There are so many scholarships available for individual students to apply for out there that it can take months of research to locate them, and even then it will not be a complete list because some are so small and obscure that very few institutions will be aware of them. Although the majority of them can be found on listings websites and by looking more closely at search engine results, some will still elude you and is often those that may provide you with a source of financial help during your time at university or college. There is only one way to find them, and that is by using a





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The scholarship searching services out there actually list every single scholarship out there available for students to apply

for so you do not have to trawl through all of the information at your fingertips yourself. It is like a one stop shop for university funding and can really help you find every single award that you may be eligible for. One particular website has 2.7 million scholarships and grants available for students that total more than $19 billion and students can search it without limit.
Scholarship searching services, or scholarship matching services as they are sometimes called, will ask you for a few details before you begin to search and you have to be honest with them if you want to apply for the correct scholarships and grants. They will ask for your specific course information and intentions. They may even ask for the location of the university that you plan to attend so that you can search the database for appropriate funding. In more simple terms, they will match you with the best funding opportunities for the subject area and university location.

Some searching services will also ask you personal questions such as income bracket, ethnicity, mobility status (meaning whether you are disabled or not) and gender because these factors will also help to determine whether you are eligible for other funding. For example, some scholarships are only available for certain ethnicities or disabled students. There are very few of these but they still apply to some individuals that may otherwise remain oblivious to their existence.

There are a few scholarship searching services that do not ask for any money in return for their services, but others will. The best one out there is free though, and really easy to find. was established in 1998 and gives you unlimited access to the database they hold there. They also offer a variety of other services that other search engines will not. For example, the database is updated every time another scholarship or grant becomes available for any number of students to apply for. These constant updates make it the most comprehensive search facility for students on the Internet. They also list deadlines in real time so you are able to keep abreast of developments as and when they happen. Each one will be matched with the value, requirements and information regarding how to apply. Finally there is a custom service that they do charge for, and that allows you to compose your own letters to the companies or bodies offering the scholarship or grant adhering to their tried and tested template. This can be a godsend to those that have no idea where to even begin to apply.

The whole idea of a scholarship and grant search facility is flawless in terms of its ability to help the minds of tomorrow shine through because scholarships can actually help to put individuals through university that otherwise would not have been able to go. The system is not easy to decipher without the help of search engines like the one mentioned above. Although that is only one of those available, it is one of the best facilities available students could do far worse than check it out. It is, after all, completely free!

Looking Closer To Home: Institutional Scholarships

When individuals think of scholarships, they automatically think of those offered by large companies and the larger academic bodies. In other words, they automatically think of those named after major academic figures that the majority of students consider applying for, meaning they get close to a million applications every year. However, there is an easier way to get a scholarship and that is to look far closer to home. Indeed, regardless of what university or college you plan to attend, you will find that the institution awards at least one scholarship every year, with the majority of the larger colleges offering scholarships in almost every department as well as for academic excellence, outstanding ability and specialist scholarships that are, again, named after famous alumni. It is therefore feasible that you could apply for several scholarships within the institution that you wish to attend!

Institutional scholarships are nothing new, but a low percentage of



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students apply for them when they are compared
with more
programs. They also tend to offer more scholarships

overall. Of course, only a few of them would be full scholarships, but even a minor scholarship to cover housing or course materials would be better than nothing and would save you stress and heartache in the short term.

If you need an example of the level of scholarships offered at the larger universities and college, the university of North Carolina at Chapel Hill actually has a department dedicated to scholarships and financial aid! They have advisers ready to assist you in your search for help, and they are trained to assess your need for need based, non-need based and outside sources of scholarships and aid. They also offer guidance on merit based scholarships too. In fact, if you do get chance to visit their website, you will be shocked at the sheer options every student is given! It is the same at any other large institution. There have to be a vast number of aid packages available because students may otherwise be unable to get through their degree course.

The application process for individuals looking to apply for help with college fees via scholarships is basically the same as if they were to apply for an outside scholarship. However, all scholarships have slight differences between them in terms of the application procedure so make sure that you read all guidelines very carefully before filling anything in. You may also need to assess your eligibility first, and there are a number of online calculators that can be used, but you will often find one alongside the application instructions of every scholarship online.

There are distinct benefits of applying for institution offered scholarships. The first is that you are not left hanging for as long as you would be if you applied for a nationally recognized scholarship that you could take almost anywhere with you. As there are less applicants to sort through and the university recognizes the value of giving you chance to look else where for funding if necessary, they g

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