Green Living Strategies by Archi Mackfly - HTML preview

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Tip #8: Telecommute or Carpool

A great way to go green is to use automobiles less, and there are several ways to make this change. If you work outside of the   home but think you could do it remotely, then it might be time to sit down with your supervisor.

More and more companies are allowing their employees to telecommute, which means they work from home. Not only does the employer save money from overhead costs, but it also reduces   the carbon footprint of both the employer and employees.

Depending upon your vehicle, most passenger cars emit around 411 grams of carbon dioxide per mile. If your average travel time  is about 15 minutes each way, then you’re emitting over 12,000 grams of carbon dioxide whenever you go to work.

That doesn’t include going out on your lunch hour, either.

If working from home even a few days a week isn’t an option,   then consider carpooling with other employees. In an office of 30 people, all of whom drive a car to work, together they emit 360,000 grams of carbon dioxide each week.

By grouping them into six cars, each with five passengers, that carbon dioxide output drops down to just 72,000 grams each week!

Another way to go green while commuting is to use public transportation. Even if you have a vehicle, this could help you save money on gas, wear and tear on your car, and reduces the  amount of carbon you contribute just by going to work.

When the weather allows for it, you can also ride a bicycle or walk to the office. The environment and your body will thank you!