Green Living Strategies by Archi Mackfly - HTML preview

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Tip #10: Reuse Containers

A good household can always use extra storage. If you’re in need of extra containers but also want to save the environment, then you might benefit from reusing food containers.

Items such as coffee canisters are perfect for keeping nuts, bolts, screws, and other types of fix-it tools. Designate a canister for each item, and then label it with masking tape and a marker.

Clear mason jars, such as those used for jams and jellies, can also be reused. Simply remove and recycle the label, wash it out and use it to store sewing items.

Have separate jars for buttons, sewing clips, sewing labels, and anything else related to arts and crafts.

Milk jugs, soda bottles, and other plastic containers can be used for household items that need to be poured. For example, cat litter, sidewalk salt, and birdseed.

By using containers that you already have in your kitchen and pantry, you help reduce your carbon footprint. Even though many of these items can be recycled, remember that it takes manpower and energy to do so.

The less energy needed to recycle all of these items, the better it  is for the environment.