High -Yield Internal Medicine Board Exam Pearls by Knowmedge - HTML preview

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5 Cardiology Pearls

By: Dr. Salim Rezaie

Whether studying for emergency medicine, internal medicine, or USMLE board examinations,

cardiovascular diseases are by far and away one of the biggest organ systems of which

questions get asked. If you pay attention, the first three pearls are all on physical exam findings

and the last two pearls are on disease processes with high morbidity and mortality. I have

attached a review table for each pearl to help simplify the concepts and buzz phrases.

Pearl #1: Know what the maneuvers are that increase and decrease heart murmurs.

In general, you should know all the different maneuvers, their effect, and how they would affect

valve abnormalities. It is helpful to walk yourself through each valve abnormality, and try and

explain why murmurs are increased or decreased, instead of just memorizing a table, which

you will forget in 1 – 2 weeks. That being said, common murmurs that seem to get the most

questions are: HOCM, AS, MVP, and MR.

Cardiac Maneuvers for the Internal Medicine Board Exam

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Pearl #2: Know the abnormal arterial pulsations and the disease state with which they