How to Think Like a Knowledge Worker by William P. Sheridan - HTML preview

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In the MindMap, coherence concerns the coordination between your perceptions and your conceptual framework - your conditioning has got to coordinate with your cognition.  Strictly speaking, the fit is never perfect, so the goal is to achieve as much alignment as feasible.  There appears to be a widespread problem emerging with this - we can see a growing discrepancy between many peoples' ideas and their habits.  Smoking, poor quality diet, over-eating, lack of exercise, doing drugs - all of these are widely known forms of self-destruction - yet more and more people are afflicted - they are not working at aligning their understanding and their actions.

A popular self-help book sums up this advice in its title:  You Can't Afford The Luxury of a Negative Thought. Neither can you afford the luxury of a negative habit.  But so many people are living on luxuries they can't afford.  The aforementioned self-help book recommends a personal inventory in which you list, assess, and align all of your objectives with coherent goals. This is the kind of voluntary simplicity I practice myself, and would recommend for others.


Correspondence in the MindMap concerns the coordination between your perceptions and the in- coming sense-data from the environment.  Some Constructivists have a problem with the concept of "realism" because they assume that we create all of our knowledge.  This confuses levels of analysis - there are still things and events out there, regardless of how we conceptualize, organize, and use them, so when in heavy traffic keep a close watch-out for on-coming cars and tailgaters, regardless of how you label them.  This same metaphor applies to all experience.

Realism doesn't necessarily mean you perceive what's "really out there" - it means that whatever your coping skills, you had better recognize the possibility of impacts with things and events, and guide yourself accordingly, or you will find yourself in life-threatening trouble.  To the extent that you do coordinate perception and reality, you recognize the correspondence between cause and effect, reasons and objectives, a better survival strategy than assuming no correspondence.


To act effectively, beliefs (judgments of fact) and values (judgments of worth) must cohere and coordinate across your experience. Otherwise you are operating at cross-purposes with yourself.

