How to Think Like a Knowledge Worker by William P. Sheridan - HTML preview

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The word when is an adverb.  When used as a question, it asks for a temporal distinction.  When was it? is asking about the past – indicate the previous minute, hour, day, year, etc. that something existed or occurred.  When is it going to happen? asks a similar question about the future.  The context of the question usually gives a reasonable clue about the extent of details being sought.  A fitting reply might be “When do you want an answer?”  Hence, the parameter when runs from occasion to duration.


The intention of this question?  Knowing what to do now can often depend on when something happened previously.  The occurrence and sequence of events may entail causality or imply obligation.  Knowing what to do now can also often depend on what you want to happen next.  Scheduling events too soon or late may waste effort or loose opportunity.  Time ages us, and stages us, and often outrages us.  Learn patience.


Asking and answering when is one way of trying to control the sequence of events and outcomes, of enabling will to trump fate.  For better or worse however, such efforts at control are only partially successful.  The life lesson to learn from this condition is that the only practical use of when regarding the past is to harvest lessons learned.  On the other hand, the future can be altered by deciding when to do what, and why.


When should a person start thinking about important things?  It’s never too soon to start thinking, AND it’s never too late to start thinking.  Given the contingent view of the future however, beginning sooner rather than later has considerable survival value.  When should a person ask about other people’s sequential intentions?  Since part of what we are contingent upon for our future survival is the action of others, sooner is better here too.

